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// Running the program with python

If you want to run the program using python, run and ensure is in the same directory
Note that python needs to be installed along with customtkinter and CTkMessagebox using command prompt
to install them with the below commands :
pip install customtkinter
pip install CTkMessagebox

// Matrix Calculator.exe

I've compiled the program into an executable using PyInstaller.
The executable should be able to run on its own without installing anything.
Windows defender may disclose it as a virus, but i have tested it on four seperate windows devices and 
only one has proposed it as an issue. 


This is a sepearate python file i am using to track new code that i implement and if youd like to see the functionality
of new code the base idea is in the file.

// Other

The current functionality only supports 3x3 matrices and i plan on adding support for 2x2 matrices
and a window for a single matrix for individual calculations.

The program may be buggy as it is my first open project and some functionality may not fully support
certain actions. Since the initial start i have added float data type support to calculations and input.
The GUI is a work in progress and does need to be changed as it feels clunky and does not fully support
the layout that it was designed to be implemented as.

// Controls

When opening the application, to use the calculation buttons you will need to enter in matrices A and B
and click store. It unfortunately doesnt support single matrix calculations as of yet so if you are working
on a single matrix, both A and B need to be filled in with some type of placeholder but the buttons such as
power and determinants are independant for A or B.

// Output

The current output panel is not ideal and needs to be fixed, but it works atleast.

// New Features

Float data type support for input and calculation outputs
Clear button, resets all entries to 0 and clears the output entry
Removed the need for store button so users can just enter data and not have to worry about having to click
store each time to do a calculation.
New decimal formatter only works once, and it might ruin calculations so i might remove it in newer releases.
It was supposed to format entries to two decimal places to make things more readable but it will make calculations
less accurate as it overwrites users entered data. But it does not currently overwrite, only when the program runs
its initial code on start-up.

// Features to soon be covered

Component calculations
2x2 matrices
GUI support for single matrix input for 2x2 and 3x3 matrixes
Inverse operations
Transpose operations