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The gym-cityflow environment is a multiagent domain featuring large discrete state and action spaces. An environment can be created from any set of cityflow config files


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gym_cityflow is a custom OpenAI gym environment designed to handle any cityflow config file. This is a fork of the original gym_cityflow environment by MaxVanDijck and has been updated to work with current versions of OpenAI Gym (v0.21.0).


As an OpenAI Gym environment that implements the CityFlow simulation engine the following prerequisites are required to use this environment:

Installing Prerequisites

OpenAI Gym can be installed via pip with the following command:

pip install gym

On the other hand, as CityFlow is not registered with a python package index you need to build the package from the source code:

Install Dependencies:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake

Clone CityFlow project from github:

git clone

Then go to CityFlow project’s root directory and run:

pip install .

Gym-cityflow Installation

gym_cityflow is currently not a part of any package must be manually installed from the source:

Clone the gym-cityflow project from github:

git clone

Then go to the gym-cityflow project’s root directory and run:

pip install .

gym_cityflow can then be used as a python library as follows:

import gym
import gym_cityflow

env = gym.make('cityflow-v0', 
               config_path = 'sample_path/sample_config.json',
               episode_steps = 3600)

NOTE: config_path must be a valid CityFlow config.json file, episode_steps is how many steps the environment will take before it is done

Basic Functionality

The action and observation space can be checked like so:

observationSpace = env.observation_space
actionSpace = env.action_space

env.step() can be called to step the environment, it returns an observation, reward, done and info as specified in the OpenAI Documentation

env.reset() can be called to restart the environment

env.reset(seed=42) can also be called with a new seed to restart the environment with a new seed

Here is an example of how to train and run PPO on a CityFlow environment (NOTE: this example uses the PPO model provided by stable-baselines3 to facilitate training, if you want to run this example you should install stable-baselines3 with the command pip install stable-baselines3)

import gym
import gym_cityflow
from stable_baselines3 import PPO

env = gym.make('cityflow-v0', config_path="examples/default/config.json", episode_steps=1000)
model = PPO("MultiInputPolicy", env, verbose=1)

obs = env.reset()

for i in range(1000):
    action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    if done:
        obs = env.reset()


For convenience, we have added some example CityFlow config.json, roadnet.json, and flow.json files to 'examples/default' and 'examples/double_intersection'.

Project Report

Link to the paper associated with this repository.


The gym-cityflow environment is a multiagent domain featuring large discrete state and action spaces. An environment can be created from any set of cityflow config files








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