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Minimalistic quickstart: The most basic AdaptiveCpp installation

Aksel Alpay edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 1 revision

If you need to install AdaptiveCpp quickly with minimal dependencies, you can use the following commands.

This will install AdaptiveCpp into the current working directory in a VERY minimal configuration: The installation will only support CPU and no LLVM compiler acceleration of SYCL kernels.

For production use and performance, this may not be ideal, but if you just quickly want to have a SYCL implementation, it might be perfect. For example, if you just need an installation for development, or if you have a classroom of students who need SYCL quickly.

The only dependencies required are:

  • Your default system compiler must support C++17 and OpenMP
  • You need to have installed the boost.context and boost.fiber libraries, including development files (e.g. on Ubuntu, the libboost-all-dev package).
  • python 3
  • cmake
  • git

Make sure these dependencies are satisfied and then execute:

cd /directory/where/you/wish/to/install/AdaptiveCpp
sh ./