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Getting Started with Eta

In the following sections, we'll cover how to get Eta installed on your system and how to work with Etlas projects. If at any point you get stuck with any of the steps below, feel free to join us on Gitter so we can help you troubleshoot.

Installing Eta

Currently, there are a few ways of installing Eta:

  1. Binary Installation
  2. Source Installation
  3. Docker Image
  4. Nix Environment

Method 1: Binary Installation

Eta Version: 0.7.0b2

Etlas Version:

The installation process works as follows:

  1. You will download the etlas executable.
  2. As soon as you start using etlas, eta and the standard libraries will automatically be downloaded automatically for you on demand.
  3. You can run etlas update followed by etlas select latest to ensure you have the latest version of Eta.
  4. You can access the eta command directly via etlas exec eta -- [args].

You can install Etlas by following the steps below:

  1. Make sure JDK 7 or above are installed on your system and java is on the $PATH.
  2. Download the Etlas binary for your platform.
  3. Place the binary in in your $PATH.
  4. Give the program executable permissions (on Unix-based systems).
$ chmod +x etlas
  1. Start using it and it will download everything you need on demand. Head over to :ref:`setting-up-first-project`.

Method 2: Source Installation


Make sure you have the listed tools/libraries installed on your system. Check the OS-specific sections for additional requirements.


  • Stack - Make sure the path that is obtained from running stack path --local-bin is present on the PATH.
  • JDK 1.7 or JDK 1.8
    • Make sure javac and java are on the PATH.


  • Install bz2, ncurses and zlib.
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libbz2-dev
  • Make sure locale is set to UTF8.
$ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
$ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8


  • Install bzip2, ncurses and zlib.
$ sudo dnf install zlib-devel ncurses-devel bzip2-devel


  • Install bz2, ncurses, and zlib.
$ sudo zypper install zlib-devel libncurses5 ncurses5-devel libbz2-devel


  • Make sure you have XCode installed and have accepted the license agreement (run XCode at least once).


  • Install Cygwin and MSYS.


An alternate method of installing Eta on Windows 10 is with WSL (Windows sub-system for Linux).

  1. Enable WSL within Windows (Instructions)
  2. Minimum Windows version: Version 10 build 14986
  3. Enter the root folder of WSL, and create a “.local” folder, and then inside of this create a “bin” folder.
  4. Follow the source installation method.


Clone the repository and run the install script at the root of the repository. Replace [current-stable-tag] with the tag listed in the README of the eta repo.

$ git clone --recursive --branch [current-stable-tag]
$ cd eta
$ ./ # or install.cmd in windows command prompt


If you omit the --recursive flag to git clone, you will need to initialize the project's submodules before running or install.cmd:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Once the installation is done, you will now have access to the following command-line tools:

  • eta - The main compiler
  • etlas - The package manager and build tool

Check to ensure that they are on the PATH with the following commands:

$ eta --version
$ etlas --version

If you obtain an error that either tool is missing, run the following command:

$ stack path --local-bin

Add the path that you obtain in the output to your PATH environment variable.

Method 3: Docker Image


Make sure you have the following tools installed on your system:


To obtain an environment with eta and etlas, run the following command:

$ docker run -it typelead/eta

Method 4: Nix Environment


Make sure you have the following tools installed on your system:


To obtain an environment with eta and etlas, from directory of eta github cloned repository, run the following command:

$ nix-shell -A eta-build-shell

Updating Eta

Eta updates pretty fast and we're incorporating new patches on a daily basis that you might want to get access to.

If you have Eta already installed, go to the root of this repository's clone on your system, and run the following command:

$ ./ # or update.cmd in windows command prompt

This will do a fresh installation, recompiling all the core libraries with the most recent version of the compiler.

If you have existing Etlas projects, make sure you run

$ etlas clean
$ etlas install --dependencies-only

inside each project before proceeding with your normal development so that Etlas recognizes the updated libraries.

Running Your First Program

  1. Create a new file called Main.hs and with the following contents:

    module Main where
    primes = filterPrime [2..]
      where filterPrime (p:xs) =
              p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
    main = putStrLn $ "The 101st prime is " ++ show (primes !! 100)
  2. Run the following command on the command line to compile the program:

    $ eta Main.hs

    This will compile the program to a standalone JAR with the Run- prefix.

  3. Run the program with java:

    $ java -jar RunMain.jar

Setting up your first Etlas Project

With Etlas, you don't have to worry about remembering all the particular flags to sent to eta. You can simply specify what you want in a human-readable format called Cabal. To learn more about the specification file format which is also used in the Haskell ecosystem, read this guide.

  1. Create a new directory called eta-first and enter it.

    $ mkdir eta-first
    $ cd eta-first
  2. Initialize the project with Etlas.

    $ etlas init
    Package name? [default: eta-first]
    Package version? [default:]
    Please choose a license:
      1) GPL-2
      2) GPL-3
      3) LGPL-2.1
      4) LGPL-3
      5) AGPL-3
      6) BSD2
    * 7) BSD3
      8) MIT
      9) ISC
      10) MPL-2.0
      11) Apache-2.0
      12) PublicDomain
      13) AllRightsReserved
      14) Other (specify)
    Your choice? [default: BSD3]
    Author name? [default: ...]
    Maintainer email? [default: ...]
    Project homepage URL?
    Project synopsis?
    Project category:
    * 1) (none)
      2) Codec
      3) Concurrency
      4) Control
      5) Data
      6) Database
      7) Development
      8) Distribution
      9) Game
      10) Graphics
      11) Language
      12) Math
      13) Network
      14) Sound
      15) System
      16) Testing
      17) Text
      18) Web
      19) Other (specify)
    Your choice? [default: (none)]
    What does the package build:
      1) Library
      2) Executable
    Your choice? 2
    What is the main module of the executable:
    * 1) Main.hs (does not yet exist, but will be created)
      2) Main.lhs (does not yet exist, but will be created)
      3) Other (specify)
    Your choice? [default: Main.hs (does not yet exist, but will be created)]
    Source directory:
    * 1) (none)
      2) src
      3) Other (specify)
    Your choice? [default: (none)] 2
    What base language is the package written in:
    * 1) Haskell2010
      2) Haskell98
      3) Other (specify)
    Your choice? [default: Haskell2010] 1
    Add informative comments to each field in the cabal file (y/n)? [default: n] n
    Guessing dependencies...
    Generating LICENSE...
    Generating Setup.hs...
    Generating example.cabal...

    The project structure should look like this:

    - src
      - Main.hs
    - eta-first.cabal
    - Setup.hs
  3. Add the files Main.hs and Primes.hs in src/ as shown below.


    module Main where
    import Primes
    main = putStrLn $ "The 101st prime is " ++ show (primes !! 100)


    module Primes where
    primes = filterPrime [2..]
      where filterPrime (p:xs) =
              p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
  4. Update eta-first.cabal, adding an other-modules: field:

    other-modules: Primes

    Any additional modules you add to the project should be added at the same indentation level as the Primes entry, but below it.

  5. To build & run, execute this command:

    $ etlas run


    Note that this will create a JAR file without dependencies. This is best suited for development.

    For production deployments, you may want to generate a standalone JAR file, also called an uberjar. If you would like to generate an uberjar, run the following two commands:

    $ etlas clean
    $ etlas configure --enable-uberjar-mode

    These commands need only be run once to set the local Etlas configuration. To go back to shared mode for the project:

    $ etlas clean
    $ etlas configure --disable-uberjar-mode

    Beware that this can be very slow. Work is being done to improve uberjar performance.

Learning Eta

Now that you're set up with Eta, the next step is to learn about how to write Eta programs. If you are already familiar with haskell you can jump straight to the :ref:`interacting-with-java` section in Eta Tutorials to learn about how to connect with Java libraries.

If you are new to Haskell and pure functional programming in general, we suggest you to head over to Tour of Eta. Check the Eta Blog for more tutorials and updates.

For tutorials & examples, see the following:

For a list of the currently supported Haskell Packages, see:

Contact Us

If you had trouble with this tutorial, you can give us feedback by: