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Releases: sunpy/sunpy


02 May 14:35
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Fix Wheels build issue.


02 May 08:08
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Sunpy 0.9.7 (2019-05-01)

Bug Fixes

  • If Carrington longitude ("crln_obs") is found in the FITS header, converts this to the correct
    Heliographic longitude. (#2946)
  • Fix HGS <> HCRS test due to Ecliptic frame changes in astropy 3.2
  • Fixes bug when creating a timeseries from a URL and bug when
    creating a TimeSeries from older GOES/XRS fits files. (#3081)


28 Jan 20:24
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Sunpy 0.9.6 (2019-01-28)


  • can now save out rice compressed FITS
    files. (#2826)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed build/install issue with Pip 19
  • Fixed to handle the keyword
    COMMENT correctly. (#2880)


10 Dec 12:06
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Sunpy 0.9.5 (2018-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Timeseries and lightcurve will now respect updated config values for
    download directory.
  • Always use _default_wrap_angle rather than hard coding a wrap
    angle in the init of a frame
  • Ensure imageanimators only slice arrays with integers


14 Nov 16:34
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Sunpy 0.9.4 (2018-11-14)

Another update with lots of minor changes.


  • Now able to create a
    using an array and a astropy.wcs.WCS
    object. (#2793)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix RHESSI obssum file downloading to include the final day in the
    time range. (#2714)
  • User can convert between HPC and HCC coordinates with different
    observers. This is implemented by automatically transforming the
    coordinate into HGS and then changing observer, and then
    transforming back to HCC.
  • Changed default file type for Helioviewer to prevent decode errors.
  • Fixed loading in LASCO C3 data.
  • Increase figure size to avoid cutting off longer colormap names in
  • The sample data directory will no longer be created until files are
    downloaded to it.

Improved Documentation

  • Minor changes to the developer guide regarding sprint labels.
  • Copyedited and corrected the solar cycles example.
  • Changed "online" mark to "remote_data" and made formatting of marks
    consistent. (#2799)
  • Add a missing plot to the end of the units and coordinates guide.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Miscellaneous fixes to developer docs about building sunpy's
    documentation. (#2825)
  • Changed sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep to update BITPIX keyword to reflect
    the float64 dtype.
  • Fix SunPy Coordinate tests with Astropy 3.1


12 Sep 22:07
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Sunpy 0.9.3 (2018-09-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Correctly import [~astropy.units.allclose]{.title-ref} based on
    astropy version. This means that [sunpy.coordinates]{.title-ref}
    will import when pytest is not installed. (#2702)
  • Raise an error when transforming between HPC and HCC frames if the
    observer is not the same. (#2725)
  • Do not attempt to save a FITS header comment for a keyword which is
    not in the header. This prevents an error on saving some maps after
    the metadata had been modified but not the comments. (#2748)
  • Add support for [HMIMap]{.title-ref} objects as input to
    [sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep()]{.title-ref}. (#2749)

Improved Documentation

  • Add contribution guidelines for the sunpy example gallery.
  • Clean up the docstring for
    to make the example clearer. (#2708)


27 Jul 19:51
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Dear all,

A minor bugfix for the bugfix:

Sunpy 0.9.2 (2018-07-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the bug which crashes LASCOMap for when 'date-obs' is
    reformatted agian from a self applied function. (#2700)
  • Correctly import ~astropy.units.allclose based on astropy version.
    This means that sunpy.coordinates will import when pytest is not
    installed. (#2702)


26 Jul 20:56
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Dear all,

We have a new bugfix. We strongly recommend upgrading as several
important bugs have been addressed.

Sunpy 0.9.1 (2018-07-26)


  • MapCube has been renamed to MapSequence. MapCube does not actually
    work on cubes but a sequence of maps. Due to this change, MapCube is
    now deprecated but will not be removed until SunPy 1.0. (#2603)

Bug Fixes

  • parse_time now parses numpy.datetime64 correctly (#2572)
  • Fix the bug that prevented VSO queries for HMI data from downloading
    file without speicifying a.Physobs. (#2621)
  • Fix The code had not been updated to
    support the changes to the wcsaxes helper functions. (#2627)
  • Replace all use of the deprecated with
    plt.get_cmap to prevent deprecation warnings being raised.
  • Fix generation of the coordinate transformation graph with Astropy (#2636)
  • Prevent helioviewer from erroring when downloading file to a
    directory that does not exist. It will now create the directory when
    required. (#2642)
  • Fix transformations into/out of Heliographic Stonyhurst frame when
    the coordinate representation is Cartesian. (#2646)
  • Support passing Python file objects to
  • Added DRMS to so sunpy[all] installs it as a dependancy.
  • Fix eve 0cs timeseries seperator regex to support Python 3.7

Improved Documentation

  • Organise the gallery into sections based on example type and tidy up
    a little. (#2624)
  • Added gallery example showing the conversion of Helioprojective
    Coordinates to Altitude/Azimuth Coordinates to and back. (#2656)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Revert the handling of quantity_allclose now that
    astropy/astropy#7252 is merged. This also bumps the minimum
    astropy 3 version to 3.0.2. (#2598). We still support Astropy 2.
  • Sort the ana C source files before building to enable reproducible
    builds. (#2637)
  • We are now using towncrier to generate our changelogs. (#2644)
  • Use of textwrap to keep source code indented when multiline texts
    is used (#2671)


22 Apr 12:46
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The SunPy project is happy to announce the release of SunPy 0.9.0.
SunPy v0.9.0 contains 807 commits in 147 merged pull requests closing 310 issues from 31 people, 19 of which are first time contributors to SunPy.

I (on behalf of the THE PROJECT) would really like to thank the 19 people who contributed to SunPy for the first time. Without new people coming in and (hopefully) staying, the project would stagnate.

These being:

David Stansby
Yash Jain
James Paul Mason
Vishnunarayan K I. 
Swapnil Sharma
Shresth Verma  
Sanjeev Dubey  
Nick Murphy  
Carlos Molina  
Yash Kothari  
Dang Trung Kien 
Gulshan Mittal  
Rajasekhar Reddy Mekala  
S Shashank  
Tannmay Yadav  
Will Barnes  
Yudhik Agrawal  

Yours Sincerely,


17 Apr 14:59
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v0.9.0rc1 Pre-release

Dear all,

Please find attached the first release candidate of SunPy's next major release, titled v0.9.0 "Time does Fly" rc1.

Since it is an RC, it will only be on PyPi.