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Stargate deployment using Helm

Want to deploy Stargate on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm? Follow the instructions below.


You'll need a Cassandra cluster running with the storage port 7000 accessible as a headless service, and make sure Helm is available in the environment.

Cassandra installation

For a quick start, you can install Cassandra in your Kubernetes cluster using Helm.

 helm install my-release bitnami/cassandra


Autoscaling uses metrics server. Metrics server can be installed by executing the command:

kubectl apply -f


To expose access to Stargate APIs from clients outside your Kubernetes cluster, make sure an ingress controller is installed. To install the Nginx ingress controller, execute the command:

 helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
   --repo \
   --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace 

You'll use the name of ingress class name as the ingress.ingressClassName in the Stargate Helm chart values.

When using ingress, the API service paths need to be set as specified in the table

API Default path when using ingress
auth-api http://localhost/api/auth/v1/auth
rest-api http://localhost/api/rest/v2/schemas/keyspaces
docs-api http://localhost/api/docs/v2/namespaces/test/collections/library
graphql-api http://localhost/api/graphql/graphql-schema

Helm installation

Clone this repo to your development machine. Then execute the following commands to install the Stargate Helm chart with default values:

cd helm
helm install stargate stargate


  • The default values in the Helm values file (values.yaml) are set to assume that Cassandra is installed via helm install my-release bitnami/cassandra

To install with overriden values, you can use the --set option as shown below:

helm install stargatev2 \
--namespace <ENTER_NAMESPACE_HERE> \
--set replicaCount=2 \
--set cassandra.clusterName=<ENTER_VALUE_HERE> \
--set cassandra.dcName=<ENTER_VALUE_HERE> \
--set cassandra.rack=<ENTER_VALUE_HERE> \
--set cassandra.seed=<ENTER_VALUE_HERE> \
--set cassandra.clusterVersion=<ENTER_VALUE_HERE> \
--set restapi.enabled=true \
--set restapi.replicaCount=2 \
--set docsapi.enabled=true \
--set docsapi.replicaCount=2 \
--set graphqlapi.enabled=true \
--set graphqlapi.replicaCount=2

The table below lists the configurable values supported by this chart:

Helm value Description Default
replicaCount Coordinator replica count. This is also the replication for CQL, Auth and GRPC end points. 2
image.registry Repo from where images are retrieved
image.repository311 Coordinator image if persistence layer is Apache Cassandra 3.11 stargateio/coordinator-3_11
image.repository40 Coordinator image if persistence layer is Apache Cassandra 4.0 stargateio/coordinator-4_0
image.repositoryDse68 Coordinator image if persistence layer is DataStax Enterprise 6.8 stargateio/coordinator-dse-68
image.tag Coordinator image tag v2
cassandra.clusterName Deployed Cassandra cluster name cassandra
cassandra.dcName Deployed Cassandra datacenter name datacenter1
cassandra.rack Deployed Cassandra rack rack1
cassandra.seed Headless service name that corresponds to Cassandra's storage port (7000) my-release-cassandra-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
cassandra.isDse Set to true if DSE is used false
cassandra.clusterVersion Cluster version is set as 3.11 for Cassandra 3x version, 4.0 for Cassandra 4x version and 6.8 for DSE Cassandra 4.0
topologyKey K8s node label to which Stargate Coordinator can be deployed
cpuReqMillicores CPU request unit for Coordinator 2000
heapMB Memory request unit for Coordinator in MB 2048
restapi.enabled Set to true to enable REST API true
restapi.replicaCount Number of replicas for REST API Service 2
restapi.cpu CPU request unit for REST API Service in MB 2000
restapi.memory Memory request unit for REST API Service 2048
restapi.topologyKey K8s node label to which rest api service can be deployed
docsapi.enabled Set to true to enable Document API true
docsapi.replicaCount Number of replicas for Document API Service 2
docsapi.cpu CPU request unit for document api service 2000
docsapi.memory Memory request unit for document api service 2048
docsapi.topologyKey K8s node label to which document service can be deployed
graphqlapi.enabled Set to true to enable GraphQL API true
graphqlapi.replicaCount Number of replicas for GraphQL API Service 2
graphqlapi.cpu CPU request unit for GraphQL API Service 2000
graphqlapi.memory Memory request unit for GraphQL API Service in MB 2048
graphqlapi.topologyKey K8s node label to which graphql service can be deployed
autoscaling.enabled `Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (requires metrics server to be installed in the cluster) false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of pod replicas 2
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod replicas 100
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Average target CPU utilization to trigger upscaling or downscaling 80
ingress.enabled Set to true to enable ingress false
ingress.ingressClassName Ingress controller class name nginx