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Level 7 FundMe.test.js searched all duscussion still get same error TypeError: ethers.getContract is not a function ... Please Help update code of FundMe.test.js #6614

UmitRock opened this issue May 15, 2024 · 0 comments


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i search all issues and discussion never found my solution even i did copied patrick contract level 7 same issues and even downgrade ether to v5 not work...

but contract Deployed Fundme on test net and node hardhat network too >>>>>>>>only have issues on testing fundme

      1) "before each" hook for "sets the aggregator addresses correctly"

  0 passing (2s)
  1 failing

  1) FundMe
       "before each" hook for "sets the aggregator addresses correctly":
     TypeError: ethers.getContract is not a function
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/unit/FundMe.test.js:17:31)

thats FundMe.test.js code

const { assert, expect } = require("chai");
const { network, deployments, ethers } = require("hardhat");
const { developmentChains } = require("../../helper-hardhat-config");

  ? describe.skip
  : describe("FundMe", function () {
      let fundMe;
      let mockV3Aggregator;
      let deployer;
      const sendValue = ethers.utils.parseEther("1");
      beforeEach(async () => {
        // const accounts = await ethers.getSigners()
        // deployer = accounts[0]
        deployer = (await getNamedAccounts()).deployer;
        await deployments.fixture(["all"]);
        fundMe = await ethers.getContract("FundMe", deployer);
        mockV3Aggregator = await ethers.getContract(

      describe("constructor", function () {
        it("sets the aggregator addresses correctly", async () => {
          const response = await fundMe.getPriceFeed();
          assert.equal(response, mockV3Aggregator.address);

      describe("fund", function () {
        // could also do
        it("Fails if you don't send enough ETH", async () => {
          await expect(
            "You need to spend more ETH!"
        // we could be even more precise here by making sure exactly $50 works
        // but this is good enough for now
        it("Updates the amount funded data structure", async () => {
          await{ value: sendValue });
          const response = await fundMe.getAddressToAmountFunded(deployer);
          assert.equal(response.toString(), sendValue.toString());
        it("Adds funder to array of funders", async () => {
          await{ value: sendValue });
          const response = await fundMe.getFunder(0);
          assert.equal(response, deployer);
      describe("withdraw", function () {
        beforeEach(async () => {
          await{ value: sendValue });
        it("withdraws ETH from a single funder", async () => {
          // Arrange
          const startingFundMeBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(
          const startingDeployerBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(

          // Act
          const transactionResponse = await fundMe.withdraw();
          const transactionReceipt = await transactionResponse.wait();
          const { gasUsed, effectiveGasPrice } = transactionReceipt;
          const gasCost = gasUsed.mul(effectiveGasPrice);

          const endingFundMeBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(
          const endingDeployerBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(

          // Assert
          // Maybe clean up to understand the testing
          assert.equal(endingFundMeBalance, 0);
        // this test is overloaded. Ideally we'd split it into multiple tests
        // but for simplicity we left it as one
        it("is allows us to withdraw with multiple funders", async () => {
          // Arrange
          const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
          for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
            const fundMeConnectedContract = await fundMe.connect(accounts[i]);
            await{ value: sendValue });
          const startingFundMeBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(
          const startingDeployerBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(

          // Act
          const transactionResponse = await fundMe.cheaperWithdraw();
          // Let's comapre gas costs :)
          // const transactionResponse = await fundMe.withdraw()
          const transactionReceipt = await transactionResponse.wait();
          const { gasUsed, effectiveGasPrice } = transactionReceipt;
          const withdrawGasCost = gasUsed.mul(effectiveGasPrice);
          console.log(`GasCost: ${withdrawGasCost}`);
          console.log(`GasUsed: ${gasUsed}`);
          console.log(`GasPrice: ${effectiveGasPrice}`);
          const endingFundMeBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(
          const endingDeployerBalance = await fundMe.provider.getBalance(
          // Assert
          // Make a getter for storage variables
          await expect(fundMe.getFunder(0));

          for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
              await fundMe.getAddressToAmountFunded(accounts[i].address),
        it("Only allows the owner to withdraw", async function () {
          const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
          const fundMeConnectedContract = await fundMe.connect(accounts[1]);
          await expect(fundMeConnectedContract.withdraw())

and contract FundMe.sol code is :

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// 1. Pragma
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
// 2. Imports
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
import "./PriceConverter.sol";

// 3. Interfaces, Libraries, Contracts
error FundMe__NotOwner();

/**@title A sample Funding Contract
 * @author Patrick Collins
 * @notice This contract is for creating a sample funding contract
 * @dev This implements price feeds as our library
contract FundMe {
    // Type Declarations
    using PriceConverter for uint256;

    // State variables
    uint256 public constant MINIMUM_USD = 50 * 10 ** 18;
    address private immutable i_owner;
    address[] private s_funders;
    mapping(address => uint256) private s_addressToAmountFunded;
    AggregatorV3Interface private s_priceFeed;

    // Events (we have none!)

    // Modifiers
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        // require(msg.sender == i_owner);
        if (msg.sender != i_owner) revert FundMe__NotOwner();

    // Functions Order:
    //// constructor
    //// receive
    //// fallback
    //// external
    //// public
    //// internal
    //// private
    //// view / pure

    constructor(address priceFeed) {
        s_priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(priceFeed);
        i_owner = msg.sender;

    /// @notice Funds our contract based on the ETH/USD price
    function fund() public payable {
            msg.value.getConversionRate(s_priceFeed) >= MINIMUM_USD,
            "You need to spend more ETH!"
        // require(PriceConverter.getConversionRate(msg.value) >= MINIMUM_USD, "You need to spend more ETH!");
        s_addressToAmountFunded[msg.sender] += msg.value;

    function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
        for (
            uint256 funderIndex = 0;
            funderIndex < s_funders.length;
        ) {
            address funder = s_funders[funderIndex];
            s_addressToAmountFunded[funder] = 0;
        s_funders = new address[](0);
        // Transfer vs call vs Send
        // payable(msg.sender).transfer(address(this).balance);
        (bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");

    function cheaperWithdraw() public onlyOwner {
        address[] memory funders = s_funders;
        // mappings can't be in memory, sorry!
        for (
            uint256 funderIndex = 0;
            funderIndex < funders.length;
        ) {
            address funder = funders[funderIndex];
            s_addressToAmountFunded[funder] = 0;
        s_funders = new address[](0);
        // payable(msg.sender).transfer(address(this).balance);
        (bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");

    /** @notice Gets the amount that an address has funded
     *  @param fundingAddress the address of the funder
     *  @return the amount funded
    function getAddressToAmountFunded(
        address fundingAddress
    ) public view returns (uint256) {
        return s_addressToAmountFunded[fundingAddress];

    function getVersion() public view returns (uint256) {
        return s_priceFeed.version();

    function getFunder(uint256 index) public view returns (address) {
        return s_funders[index];

    function getOwner() public view returns (address) {
        return i_owner;

    function getPriceFeed() public view returns (AggregatorV3Interface) {
        return s_priceFeed;

i hope anyone help me and thanks :)

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