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🏃 Sprint
:runner: Sprint
📜 type: API
:scroll: type: API
Involves API change(s)
😴 Dormant
:sleeping: Dormant
no recent activity
🆘 To take over
:sos: To take over
💬 Discussion
:speech_balloon: Discussion
Still Needs Manual Backport
Still Needs Manual Backport
MrMeeseeks-managed label
🤔 Planning
:thinking: Planning
🏆 type: Highlight
:trophy: type: Highlight
Highlight in next release notes
⚠️ Critical
:warning: Critical
Reserved for newly introduced bugs in a final release
👋 Outreachy
:wave: Outreachy
🔧 type: Maintenance
:wrench: type: Maintenance
Refactoring and maintenance of internals