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148 lines (103 loc) · 12.6 KB

How to contribute to EDAM

Your pull requests, issues, comments and suggestions are warmly welcome! 🙏🏽🙇🏽‍♂️

Note: If you don't want to edit an OWL file (RDF/XML) or deal with Git, please skip to the bottom of this file to find other very welcome ways to contribute. 🎈🙌🏽

Source code

The "source code" of EDAM is in the file EDAM_dev.owl (see main). The format of the source file is RDF/XML. EDAM_dev.owl can be editted locally (e.g. in a text editor), or online on Gitpod. The file is too big to be editted directly on GitHub.

New to Git?

Some neat efficient learning resources are:

Git setup on your local machine

👉🏽 Please make sure to read the following when you are cloning this repo: 👇🏽

  1. We recommend using a "shallow" clone of the edamontology repo, without all the history and open feature branches (unless investigating the history is what you want to do): git clone --depth 1

  2. There is a pre-commit hook set up, to validate that the source code of EDAM is in the right format. To make it work, please use one of the following 2 options:

😮 Wait a second! Is this too fast? Do you need a slightly more step-by-step guide? Then you are welcome to follow issue #616.

Option 1

This is the preferred option. Your git version needs to be 2.9.0 or higher for the hook to work, which is nowadays usually the case.

Please make sure to have set up the correct path to the hooks directory, locally or globally:

  • Run git config core.hooksPath from inside of your forked and cloned edamontology repo, and see if it returns the value .githooks.
  • If it doesn't, to set it locally for your edamontology repo, run: git config core.hooksPath .githooks inside your edamontology repo.
  • Alternatively, to set it globally for your Git: git config --global core.hooksPath .githooks.
  • Tip: to see your Git config with where all the variables are stored, run git config --list --show-origin from inside of your edamontology repo.

Option 2

If you have to|want to continue using an older version of git than 2.9.0, please either run the pre-commit script manually:

  • Inside the edamontology repo, run: ./.githooks/pre-commit. If the script returns zero (0), the source code is invalid (i.e. not containing any owl:Class string).

or better, copy the files from the .githooks folder in your edamontology repo into the .git/hooks folder in your edamontology repo. (Please do this again when the hooks scripts get updated and you pull the updates from the central edamontology repo!)

Test that it's set up correctly:

  1. Make a dummy change in EDAM_dev.owl using a text editor, and try to commit it to a new, experimental Git branch (see above if you need to learn or refresh Git: commits, branches). The commit should work, and you should see the output Yay! Your commit to EDAM Ontology was successful..
  2. Now replace all owl:Class in the EDAM_dev.owl file with for example wol:Class 🦉, and try to commit that change. The commit should fail now (returning 0), not allowing you to commit.
  3. (If you haven't done this in a new, experimental branch, reset the HEAD of your current branch (e.g. main) back to the last "proper" commit. If you have done it in an experimental branch, please make sure that you don't continue doing your next, "real" changes into this branch.😉)

Using Gitpod


How to add a new concept

To add a new concept to EDAM_dev.owl, first find the place where to put it in the code.🔍 The concepts (defined as owl:Class) are sorted alphabetically by their URIs.

  • A new Format concept goes underneath the last Format, right above the first Operation (search <!-- -->).
  • A new Topic concept goes underneath the last Topic, right above the ObsoleteClass (<!-- --> on the bottom of the file).
  • Similarly Operation right above the first Topic (<!-- -->), and Data right above the first Format (<!-- -->).

Please create a new Git branch in your fork of the edamontology repo, and add the one (or more) concept(s) in the right place in the EDAM_dev.owl file. It's usually the easiest to copy one of the following templates, and fill in the concrete information inside.👩🏽‍💻 N.B.: Many attributes are optional, please remove them completely if you're not filling them in.

Please leave 3 empty lines before and after each concept (owl:Class), one empty line between <!-- --> and owl:Class, and no empty lines inside the owl:Class concept definition.🙇🏽‍♂️

Template for a new Format:

    <!-- -->

    <owl:Class rdf:about="">
        <created_in>(Please insert the 'doap:Version' value from the header of the file here, without "_dev". For example: 1.26)</created_in>
        <rdfs:label>Name of the format (mandatory. Abbreviations should be in CAPITALS unless another form is usual, e.g. "gVCF")</rdfs:label>
        <oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym>...(all synonyms are optional. For Formats, usually only ExactSynonym makes sense)</oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym>
        <file_extension>...(optional; small letters unless otherwise is usual; no dot in the beginning)</file_extension>
        <media_type rdf:resource="http...(optional and usually "inherited" from super-concepts; such as"/>
        <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>
        <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>
        <oboInOwl:hasDefinition>Short definition of the format (mandatory).</oboInOwl:hasDefinition>
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=" least 1 "parent URI" is mandatory. All the following attributes are optional, except documentation)"/>
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=""/>
                <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=" to EDAM Data concepts; type of data represented in this data format)"/>
        <rdfs:comment>Any additional comment here.</rdfs:comment>
        <documentation rdf:resource="http...(mandatory link to the specification|documentation of the format)"/>
        <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http...(for example Wikipedia link here)"/>
        <example rdf:resource="http..."/>
        <citation rdf:resource=""/>
        <repository rdf:resource="https..."/>
        <information_standard rdf:resource="http...(either like this as an URI|URL, or if no "Nice URI|URL" then by its name|abbraviation as the following)"/>
        <ontology_used rdf:resource="http...(either like this as an URI|URL, or if no "Nice URI|URL" then by its name|abbraviation as the following)"/>
        <organisation rdf:resource="http...(governing organisation, if any)"/>

Template for a new Topic:

    <!-- -->

    <owl:Class rdf:about="">
        <created_in>(Please insert the 'doap:Version' value from the header of the file here, without "_dev". For example: 1.26)</created_in>
        <rdfs:label>Name of the topic (mandatory)</rdfs:label>
        <oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym>...(synonyms are optional)</oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym>
        <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>
        <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>
        <oboInOwl:hasDefinition>Short definition of the topic (mandatory).</oboInOwl:hasDefinition>
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=" least 1 "parent URI" is mandatory)"/>
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdfs:comment>Any additional comment here (optional).</rdfs:comment>
        <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http...(Wikipedia link goes here; highly recommended for each Topic! Also generic, "soft" links to other ontologies go here.)"/>

Please create a pull request after you push your changes; draft pull requests (work in progress) are also very welcome!👍🏽 The maintainers will appreciate if you create separate Git branches and thus separate pull requests for solving separate issues | separate needs.🙏🏽 However, if adding a set of inter-related concepts, it's the best to do that in one branch and one pull request.

You can either keep XXXX as the numeric ID, or use the number stored in next_id in the header of EDAM_dev.owl, and update the next_id with +1.🧙🏽‍♀️ When adding multiple concepts in one branch, you can use XXX1, XXX2, ... or next_id accordingly. You can also update the oboOther:date to the date & time of saving your file (in UTC).⏲ These edits are, however, optional (although highly appreciated!🚀🙌🏽), and can be updated by maintainers when merging the pull request.👩🏽‍🏭

Other contributions

Not wanting to edit an OWL file yourself? Also your ideas and requests are highly appreciated!

We'll welcome your 📚comments and suggestions📑 in WebProtégé (free registration required to view and comment) or in the NCBO BioPortal (free registration required to add notes and suggestions). You are also welcome to request a new concept to be added to EDAM, using an issue template, or other requests using a generic issue.🐱‍🚀

Please see Getting involved for more ways to contribute to EDAM.😸🧬🌻

Note: There is a separate repository for EDAM-bioimaging🔬 (including concepts for Bioimage informatics and Machine learning🤖), where contributions are very warmly welcome!🙌🏽 EDAM-bioimaging is abundantly commented in WebProtégé (free registration required to view and comment), and there is a possiblity to add notes and suggestions also in the NCBO BioPortal (free registration required to add notes and suggestions). 🚀 EDAM-bioimaging can also be editted directly on GitHub, and confirmed eager contributors will get edit rights directly on WebProtégé. Contribution details here. 🛰