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File metadata and controls

24 lines (15 loc) · 1.24 KB

Contributing to resync

Issues and pull requests are appreciated. I apologize if it takes me some time to respond to issues.

Submitting issues

In the case of bugs please describe in detail, preferably with a recipe to repeat and demonstrate the problem. Although you should include test data as necessary, please be careful not to include secrets or passwords!

If you suggest a new feature, please give an example of expected behavior and use. For changes to modules and methods a tests case would be idea.

Coding style

If submitting a pull request:

  • Understand that this code and any merged contributions are covered by an Apache 2.0 license
  • Please discuss in a issue before submitting a pull request for significant changes.
  • Please submit pull requests against the develop branch (changes are collected there before making a release).
  • Please follow PEP8 and PEP257 style rules.
  • Please don't repeat code.
  • Please cover the code with tests.

Local conventions

  • Tests: Use from tests.testcase_with_tmpdir import TestCase in place of unittest.TestCase to get a test object with self.tmpdir as temporary location to write to.