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Redact sensitive information from JSON for logging (Node.js)

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npm install -S redactyl.js


Instantiate a new instance of Redactyl, specifying the properties you wish to redact

const Redactyl = require('redactyl.js');

let redactyl = new Redactyl({
  // Required
  'properties': [ 'apiKey', 'password', 'phone' ],

  // Optional
  'text': '[REDACTED]',
  'replacer': myCustomReplacerFunction

Optional - provide your own replacer function:

function myReplacer(key, value) {
    ...some custom replacer logic here


Then run your sensitive data through the redact function!

const data = {
  'apiKey': 'a1b2c3',
  'password': 'P@$$w0rd',
  'phone': 1234567890,
  'device': 'ms-7821'

const redacted = redactyl.redact(data);
/* Result:
    'apiKey': '[REDACTED]',
    'password': '[REDACTED]',
    'phone': '[REDACTED]',
    'device': 'ms-7821'

Constructor Options - Object

  • properties - Array - An array of property names that should be redacted.
  • text - String - Custom text to replace the redacted properties with.
  • replacer - Function - Custom replacer function that alters the behavior of the stringification process


addProperties(properties) Add the names of properties that should be redacted.

setText(text) Set the text to replace the redacted properties with. Default: [REDACTED]

setReplacer(function) Set the replacer function, altering the behavior of the stringification process

redact(json) Traverse through the specified JSON and replace all properties that match the property names set through the constructor options object, or the setText function.