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Warley Vinicius warleyvods
Software Engineer

@nubank Brazil

w1n5t0n monkey-w1n5t0n

Monkey Business The Jungle

Drapala drapala
Code crafting apprentice 🚀

Curitiba - PR

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


John Shaffer john-shaffer
Coding in Clojure, Rust, and Nix.


Mehmet Gökçe MehmetGoekce
Software & Data Engineer


Shyam Sreenivasan vegeta03
Software Developer interested in Linguistics and Algorithms.

Guidehouse Trivandrum, India

John Wesley nihilee
A keen coding lover, thrive in Python, R, and Shell scripting, taking part in events to contribute to the world of technology
Lyuben Ivanov, PhD lyuben-ivanov
Creator of learning experiences. Producing objects of beauty and truth, by applying accumulated knowledge to the world, with skill and ingenuity...

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia, Bulgaria

Stuart Brown sbrown17
Dad, developer, geek. Terminally learning new things.


JohnsonB johnsonbhaskaran
🏆 An enthusiast of this that and everything 🤷🏽‍♂️ A Java Spring Boot developer.


Zhor P. Saweh PyotSawe
Pragmatic Non-Conformist Architect of Programmable Matter from DNA to Quantum computers

Pyot Singularity

@enzuru enzuru
hacker & strannik

Manhattan, NYC

Erich Ocean erichocean

Xy Group Ltd North Carolina

Martin Putniorz sputnikus

Freelance Brno, Czech Republic

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Serhii Marchuk sergmarch

Pitch Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dmitry Palamarchuk moonbrv
Code Padawan

Kyiv, Ukraine

Wing Kwok tlkahn
This is the way. I have spoken.

Olympus Mons, Mars

Daniel dwinkler1
I am not a cat

@WU-RDS Vienna

Ioannis Mourginakis mourginakis
I will break the rules of your programming language
Ivano Pagano ivanopagano
A physicist turned programmer, working as backend developer on the jvm. Curious to learn, loves functional programming, smooth ui, software architectures.

Rome (IT)

Try or try not. There is no do.

Florianópolis, Brazil

Yuri Vendruscolo da Silveira yvern
make computer go beep boop

Deutsche Bank London, UK

Leonard Aukea LeonardAukea
ML Engineering & Operations


Nikola Milojević nklmilojevic
CTO @ MailerLite

MailerLite Inc Belgrade, Serbia