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Factorx Mergendicer
The Jedi (^ / )

Factorx The Netherlands

Denis Kern deniskern


aghori arkodeepg
Ecom developer


tn-py tn-py
Aspiring Web developer, learning Node.js, React.js, AI with OpenAI, and workflow tools like Zapier. Passionate about tech innovation and productivity.

@AI-Integrated-Solutions Miami, FL

Andrew Erdle erdle
Shopify and commerce things

New York

Abdul Kader kaderabdul79
Hi, I am Looking to be hired Full Stack Software Position. I have knowledge of Laravel, Vue, and React. I am Industrious ,honest, and keep working with patience


Slava crupko93


Prithvi p-r-i-t-h-v-i
A normal Joe who knows well that he's all but a temporary manifestation of energy (and a decent programmer too). 📖✨

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Md Ashraf Uddin ashrafbd1496
WordPress Developer Chittagong,Bangladesh

Jason Mallari jasonmco
Christ follower, Freelance Front-end Developer mostly WordPress and Shopify platform

Manila, Philippines

Dmytro Artemiev dmitryartemiev
Lead Shopify Developer

@ResidentUKTeam @grandz-dev Kyiv

Cyril Canete ccanete
Fullstack Shopify Developper @apotech-studio

Apotech Studio Paris, FR

Diego Maeoka dmaeoka

Infomentum London

Julio jgar2020
Learning how to code among other things
Harold AO haroldao
| Creative Technologist (Dev + Design) | @Shopify Partner | @awwwards Young Jury | Always Be Creative

@haroldao | @trafik-plus France