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Daniel Hill danielhill1982
Consulting and Conception - Logo and UI/UX Design - Software Development. Made with all the love in the world. 💛

Professional Hobby Nerd Since 1999 Sonneberg / Germany / Europe

Simon Talbi sitalbi
Computer science student passionate about game development, computer graphics and game engines.

Bordeaux University Bordeaux, France

Patrick Jr. PatrickJnr
Curious explorer of coding wonders! Not a pro, but I have a blast poking around repos. It's like a treasure trove of awesome creations! 🚀

@PatrickJrsTeam Bridgwater

YUSRINA yusrinayusri
IT Engineer during the day. Curious cat at night. Love open source everything.


Ibz Ibzie
I love data. I love playing with data. I love extracting data. I dont like visualizing data that much.... Currently unemployed....
Ding Yongyu tsssni
I'm non-physically based.

Jilin University Changchun, China

Abhijeet ANil Rathod Abhijrathod
Developer Network Admin


nonart nonart-eth
Convergence Artist 🪐 NFT Collector 🖼 Art out of mind
Igor Fernandes Igor097

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Charles Poulin CharlesPoulin
Go and C# Swe intern @ Ubisoft,

Ulaval Quebec / Canada

MichaelO michael811125
Game Developer (Gaming can make a better world)

Taipei, Taiwan

Roon ルーン RoonMoonlight
Howdy! This is my official GitHub profile.

Magician of Eternity Error: Location trace failed


atwork Savar, Dhaka

hojat hojat72elect
Software Developer in Toronto, Canada.🍁Passionate about all video games.😊 Nature lover. 🍂⛰️


Mustafa Taher MustafaJafar
A Wizard 🧙‍♂️ Pipeline TD / Developer⚡ Musician 🎸🎵 Cyclist 🚲 Enjoy your life!


pawan bhanuka perera pawanBperera
Hey there! I'm Pawan, a 22-year-old undergraduate software engineer based at CINEC Campus. I have a passion for UI/UX design and love creating intuitive and use
ThuraThaung 04296f6sfpi
34 years old, developer in South East Asia.


爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Chris Sprance csprance
Character Technical Director Ubisoft Red Storm.

Red Storm Myrtle Beach, SC

Eason (Yixin) Shen Yixin-Shen-1218
I am a Master of Computer Science student at the University of Melbourne, Australia. 🚀🚀🚀


Aria F ariafyy
🌸Aria in the Area.🔥 🙌 🩰 🤗 :octocat: 🧠 Multimodality LLMs , Language Agents & Metahuman, Robotics , Embodied AI

Luan Fagundes luan03
Front End Engineer
