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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


不死鸟玉山禾 zjdyzww

中泽开源国际 china

Sergey Morozov Tr0sT
GameDev & Trading

AdoreGames Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod

Jinho Lee jinholee275

ezCaretech Co., Ltd. Korea

Kind dev fulldev1023
Full stack Developer. React Next Python Django Golang Ruby on Rails

Freelancer In the World

O Samuel Rocha orochasamuel
Fundador da @r6consultoria, Consultor Fiscal/Tributário e Desenvolvedor .NET "Don't let your motivation burnout!"

@r6consultoria Brazil

Aleks dwarfcoder

Mississauga, ON, Canada

Mike devMikeUA
C# developer from Ukraine.
Marcos Vitor C# | .NET Marcos-Vitor123
I'm a Programming student. Because I intend to work in the area in the future and I am studying Software Engineering at college.

Cascavel - PR

Golden MAN profreelancer222
Program development is ART

Lina, Austria

Wizard of FullStack code-wizard21
Behold, I am a mighty wizard of the digital realm, a master of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack! I possess the power to conjure extraordi

Freelancer House

ProbablePrime ProbablePrime
Hey, I'm a VR Developer. Ask about how I can make cool VR stuff with you.

Redmond. WA

miss guo guojianwei123
A programmer white
Yunus yunuskiran


Rodrigo Portilio rodrigo-portilio
Head Of Software Development, Scrum Master, Developer Backend


Sudheshwer Rai sudheshwerrai
Hi, I am an online full-stack .NET trainer and developer with significant experience in the .NET ecosystem. Connect with me for more details.


Frédéric Cantenot fcantenot
Digital Project Leader / .NET Developer / Certified Azure 900

C&K Littelfuse France

Egidio Torresi torresi

Torresi Consulting Salerno

Jose Pedro Hurtado Vega Joseph0207
Identity Manahement and Services of My Cloud Storage Account Iam

Github, Inc. La Esperanza Colon, Qro

Senior Frontend Developer
