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Taehoon Kim TaehoonK

AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Japan

Alexei Schwab ioalexei

@britishredcrosssociety Cardiff

Pradip Subedi sprasapradip
Engineering Student Learner...


Benjamin Richter benjja Berlin

Tatiana Pará M de Freitas tatipara
Eng. Agrônoma, Especialista em Geotecnologias, Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Gestão, Pilota de Drone e Mãe da Maria e do Ben.


Ella Bühner Gattis ellagattis
geospatial python developer. currently interested in machine learning and AI for environmental and climate monitoring
Ndze Regina K. ginandze
Hi! I am Regina(Gina), and I am pivoting into tech from a finance background. I'm currently learning C and Python and would love to collaborate.
Fortune Obadiah triumphant-fortune
Data Analyst |Product Manager | Sheisforbe

Africinnovate Eket , Nigeria

Uju Roseford
Backend Developer, Python|| Technical Writer|| Open Source Contributor


I am a front-end developer and a technical writer.


Monika Garg gargmonika
Microsoft Azure Certified | Web developer | Data Enthusiast|


Joan Kinaro Quinterlozi
im a J.K.U.A.T graduate curently studying Software Engineering @moringa School software developer in the making.
Geoffrey Logovi geoffreylgv
Open source 🥑 | MLSA @microsoft

Accra, Ghana

Peace Sandy Peacesandy
Software Developer || Open Source Contributor || Technical Writer


CRC_KDI CanadianRedCrossKDI
Canadian Red Cross Knowledge Development and Innovation (KDI) team
Create what makes sense!

Intelligent Machines Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Feye Andal feyeandal
Geospatial Analyst/Project Manager. Former @essc, @hotosm, @by-implication. Working @UPRI-NOAH

UPRI-NOAH Center; DLSU-Taft; ADB Quezon City, Philippines

Sofia Corradi sofiacorradi
Doutoranda em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais // Ph.D. student in Environmental Systems Analysis and Modeling


Vedran Brozovic vedranbrozovic
Econ student interested in Business Analysis and Automation. Now professional in Finance & Business Intelligence. Basketball fan.
Hugh Graham h-a-graham
A geospatial analyst trying to understand tropical forest dynamics and biomass change. Used to study the impact of beavers. All about OSS, mainly R + Python

Permian Global Research; @Permian-Global-Research Wales, UK

Mustapha Moshood Olawale olawale1rty
Software Engineer | Geomatics Engineer


Mildred mildrette
Front-end dev

@Afkanerd Cameroon

Phuong Linh LinhLTP
Linh is a PhD student at University of Glasgow, UK
PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Laurens Vanderhoven lvdh

@wearecloudar Belgium

Tejas Siripurapu teejas
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Class of 2019 Computer Science Major

Champaign-Urbana, IL

Peter Zahemszky pzahemszky
Write cheap, write twice?