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kokoa shinkeonkim

Grepp, Kookmin University Seoul, South Korea

Pierre-Luc Milord plmilord

Sept-Iles, Quebec, Canada

Reducing human interaction, one line of code at a time.

DRW Holdings Inc. Remote

whoami whoizit
Senior pomidor
Zhumei Song zhumeisongsong
Don't be a slave to formal methods.

Atrae Tokyo

Fabio van der Burg vdBurgIT
MCT | Technical Consultant

KPN Partner Network The Netherlands

Carlos Salas Contreras bomberosalas
Autodidacta en casi todo lo que sé, más lo aprendido en la vida y en la formación regular
Alexandra alexraven1970
Made in Holland while the tulips were blooming, maybe that's why I am the rainbow sheep of the family.
 Generation Commodore C64