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Subhasish Negel Subhasish-Negel
Web-Dev wizard in the quest to turn code into beautiful websites, armed with a keyboard and a sense of humour that's as polished as my CSS! 🌟
Jo YoHan slowhigh
I'm trying to be a programmer, not a coder! 🔥
Statanis 123 Sts0mrg0


Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀 Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing, and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Nir Galon nirgn975
For geeky stuff you can find me as @nirgn975 on twitter


Leonardo Rifeli leonardorifeli
I'm a Brazilian Data Scientist & Mathematician! Remember that there is no code faster than no code. Gopher since 2017.

@HarmoDeveloper Antônio Carlos - SC

Charles Caulker bantanzzz
no stack to full stack soon!

abib drive ss camp

farhad zandmoghadam iamfarhad
CTO at Timcheh & Lendo

lendo - timcheh Iran, Tehran

Nguyen Quang Ha qanghaa
email: twitter:

Ho Chi Minh city - Viet Nam


Nairobi, Kenya

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Yiğithan Karabulut yigithankarabulut
Ecole 42 | C is done for now. For a while only Go!


Ehson icoder-new
Young gopher from Dushanbe. "In search of incredible 🌟"

@stellify-org Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Mohamed James mjames21

Office Of The President Sierra Leone

Lucas lulunac27a
I'm a computer programmer, I'm good at math, astronomy, space, and numbers.

United States

Airbus5717 Airbus5717
Computer Science student interested in Systems programming, Backend-Development and programming languages
Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer


IgorArdynovich kebard1988
Linux, Bulma + Buefy + VueJS + nodejs + docker + go + git Жлобин

Fran Cirka FKouhai
Ex SRE in space, now SRE @ oracle

Oracle /dev/null

Mehmet ALTINEL med177
Developer, Designer and Prayer

Corars Kütahya / TÜRKIYE

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Dawit Hailu devhailu
Just i' coming to the truth....


Marius Leonhardt msltwtf
Systems engineer. Mostly doing stuff with Ansible, Terraform, Python and Golang.


Orange Cheng inannan423
A seeker of visual aesthetics🛰️I'm focusing on deep learning.

北京交通大学 BJTU Beijing,China

Yeager SaadNul
👋 Hi, I’m Yeager 👀 I’m interested in ... 🌱 I’m currently learning ... 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... 📫 How to reach me ...
martin drenovac drenovac

Envizion Systems P/L Sydney, Australia

OC0311 OC0311
backend firefighter

BM China/Hangzhou

Levy Lv golevy
Designing, Coding and Refactoring.


wanna_be_cyborg wannabecyborg
learning to write good code
H0llyW00dzZ H0llyW00dzZ
LEGEND, A Professional Git Committer #Skilled

Bali, Indonesia