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Tyler tycol7

Bay Area, CA

T Brady Wright Pro75357
Clinical Informaticist
ozzie ozziexyz
Software Lead @ Eastbots

Eastbots Chapel Hill

Kara Kemahli Karak888

@adhocteam Baltimore

Davina McGinnis Developmentnerd
Military Veteran | Blerd | Developer | 👩🏾‍💻🏳️‍🌈


Hutch Herchenbach hutchenbach
I'm interested in creating tools to help people understand themselves better so they can live a more engaging life.
Ambaza Ambaza
Python developer, data scientist.

Dussoft Congo sarl Goma / DRC

Derek Houck derekhouck
More than 10 years of professional experience. Full-stack software engineer with a focus on test-driven development.

@binti-family Los Angeles

dillan teagle teaglebuilt
Senior software engineer inspired by software architecture and distributed technology. Experience in all areas of building and delivering software solutions.

@builttechnologies Charleston

Shane R. Spencer whardier
A possible artist practicing the art of possibility.

@BruteTech Anchorage, AK

Morgan Schulz copado-morgan
Technical account manager for Copado

Copado Indiana


Agile6 Sacramento, CA

Subodh Naik NaikSubodh
Data Analyst, experienced in Database Technology as DBA, Developer, Analyst via Oracle, SQL Server, Exadata and/or Cloud AWS, Azure

Booz Allen and Hamilton new Jersey

Alan Kaplan JD2MCSEWork

Veterans Affairs Charlotte, NC