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Rajendra Agrawal Rajendra999
Civil Engineer,Stock market ,python,flask

self employed

Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong thuongtruong109
👋 Hi, I'm Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong • 🧑‍💻developer • ✍️blogger • 🤝open-source contributor from VietNam. Hope to learn from you, guys! 🥰

Internationl University Ho Chi Minh city - Viet Nam

Xander cherubic
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Prepare The Way, Messiah is Coming

Maseno University Kenya

Muhammad Umer Sheikh umerCSE
I'm a passionate software developer. My journey has been a mix of code, creativity, and community

@UmerCSE Rawalpindi, Pakistan

WuPengHui wolf0931

Hangzhou China Hangzhou

Fernando Bold Fernandofinyellow
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Rio de Janeiro

Douglas Freitas Douglas318

Golden Service Gerenciamento de Riscos Teresópolis/Rj

Starboy skywalkerSam
Just tryin' to make it to Friday );

@asaiinc Planet-EARTH

Pharadorn Boonruam pharadornb

SoftTech MedCare Co.,Ltd Bangkok, Thailand

Tuntun Tuntunkr
- 👋 Hi, I’m @it'stuntun.. - 👀 I’m interested in ... - 🌱 I’m currently learning ... - 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... - 📫 How to reach me ...

Shipclues delhi

Talk is cheap show me the code powolnymarcel
Laravel 🧡 - VueJS 💚 - Flutter 💜 - React 💙

Visuweb Belgium

@#tmc#> noumecha
# always keeping learning # 🧐🧐🧐 @Byt3Lab

@Byt3Lab Byt3lab nowhere

Mehedi Khan MehediMK
Software Engineer | Full Stack Web Developer | Data scientist

W3 Engineers Ltd. Bashundhara RA, Dhaka

Lambert Strategy LambertStrategy
Management Consulting Firm based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Lambert Strategy Group Limited Victoria


石河子大学 新疆

Md Mohin Uddin mohin7
Sr. UI/UX Engineer

@appscode Ltd Dhaka, Bangladesh

Italo Nogueira ItaloNCcosta
Desenvolvedor software | PHP | Laravel | MySQL | SQL | Javascript
kyledrogo GKjohns
📈 Data Scientist at Meta 🎓 Columbia CS + Stats 🔱 Techno optimist, Guerilla analyst

Virginia, USA

Rodrigo Jara Z. Rodrigojz-cl
Full Stack Python Trainee / Ingeniero Comercial / Publicista mención marketing


Jose Elias Nunes Silva Filho joseeliasnsf
Internet Systems Student | Front-end | Back-end | Java | HTML | CSS | Javascript | Python

Recife, PE

Ghasem (Jason) Olfat olfat-gh
Software Developer | C# | ASP.Net | React | Microservices | AWS | Azure

Montreal, Canada

Khaled Maher maxios
Coding the words. Engineer the language. Cairo, Egypt

Yash Choudhary yash52003
A Second Year Student Pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering At Indian Institute of Technology(ISM) Dhanbad

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) (ISM) Dhanbad,Jharkhand

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Sajith Nishantha Silva sajithnsilvame
Hello World! Welcome to my GitHub profile. I'm a Full-stack Developer in Laravel & ReactJS.

Sri Lanka

Sathiya imsathiya17
Software Developer / Designer

Freelancer Chennai

Network Security Engineer, UCF Alumnus, Computer Science, Media Theory, Programming, VR Development, etc.


Mwauracollins Mwauracollins
Java☕Data Science📊Freelancer.

Chuka, Kenya