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Angelica Angelica-Novify
Psychologist. Worked for Meta, MSFT & Cybersource. Founded Novify, a cybersecurity start-up recruitment firm building Product & GTM teams. Cyberpsychologist.

Novify London

Muhammed Ajmal M ajmalmohad
B.Tech Undergraduate | Software Developer | Recreational Programmer

Palakkad, Kerala, India

Kiran Kumar Kiran-pro2001
I'm a Software Engineer who is obsessed with the idea of using software to solve practical problems.

PlebC Innovations Hyderabad, India

Elpidio Mazza Elpiu

Independent developer Salerno

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


PhucTN ngocphuc1612
Backend / Mobile Engineer

Masterbranch HO CHI MINH CITY

Ignas Bernotas ignasbernotas
Software Engineer


Edward Fernandes edwardfernandes
Software Engineer

Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

Farhath Razzaque codehath
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer | @makersacademy Graduate | BSc Computer Science @ Newcastle University

Freelance London

alorle alorle
Software engineer

@leemonade | @NavarraLANParty

Taha Amin Ghafuri [T@G] tahaghafuri
@php(@laravel),C & C++ & C# & @python Developer & Go,Devops specialist

Private Iran

AMAN SINGH theamanstark
49 6E 6E 6F 76 61 74 6F 72 2C 20 62 65 6E 64 69 6E 67 20 72 65 61 6C 69 74 79 20 77 69 74 68 20 63 6F 64 65 20 69 6E 63 61 6E 74 61 74 69 6F 6E 73

@9to5Network Matrix

Tyler Stephens devbytyler
Software Engineer

@Paramify Provo, UT

LocTranDuc ittranducloc
Senior Backend (NodeJS), Self-taught Fullstack (React-based)
Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

Full Stack Web developer and Blockchain ,




Mathieu Durand MathieuDurand28

MDD Chartres, France

ansumanswain ansumanswain
I have a friendly and conscientious personality. In addition, I have experience as an employee and part of several comprehensive projects.
Nageswar Chedella nageswarchedella
I am a Machine Learning Enthusiast and Web developer


Julio Marquez juliomrqz
💻 Software Engineer ☕️ Coffee lover

@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal Spain

praetoriani praetoriani
JavaScript / TypeSript / Angular / React / NodeJS (NPM) / HTML5 / CSS3 /SCSS / PowerShell / M365 Development

Constantin Film AG Bavaria, Germany

Tendai tnyandoro
FullStack Developer passionate about learning ,Technologies- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Ruby, Rails,, REACT,C#, looking for opportunities

Freelance Full-stack Developer South Africa

Tom Jaejoon Lee TomLeeLive
I am a developer who likes 3D graphics rendering.                            Interests:          Unity/Unreal Engine, GIS, Physics, and AI

Republic of Korea

Ciphore Ciphore

Viewport Los Angeles, CA

Khoa khoa-lucents


Isabel Benedí IsabelPB
I was born in a place called Andalucía

W3S @Cybercrin Málaga-Marbella

Paul Ks paulks-software
Software developer, avid learner

Lithuania, Vilnius