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Joseph nightwatch-analytics

Night Watch Analytics Dallas, TX

Lecturer and PhD candidate at Tilburg University

Tilburg University

jim jimrothstein

Eugene, OR | Dalian, China

Jhon Roly jhonrolyol
Economy / Research / Econometrics / Math / Statistic / Interested in Data Analysis

UNSCH-UNMSM-UNI Ayacucho, Peru

Marco Galliani marcogalliani

Politecnico di Milano Seregno

Santiago Segovia ssegovba
Data Science + Public Policy


Eli Pousson elipousson
I love old buildings and bicycles. Planner with the Baltimore City Department of Planning. Former preservationist @baltimoreheritage

Baltimore City Department of Planning Baltimore, MD

Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota

Alexis McAdams amcadamsCMAP

@CMAP-REPOS Northeastern IL

Qiyao Pan qpan-cuny

The Graduate Center, City University of New York New York, NY

Vamsi Krishna Varma vamsivarma
Lead Developer, UNITAC


EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics

Swiss National Bank Switzerland

John Reiser johnjreiser

Areaplot, LLC New Jersey, USA

Maggie Wu mwu2000


Olivia Beck olbeck
PhD Candidate in Statistics and Social Data Analytics at Penn State University

Penn State University

Aaron Littman amlittman

UCLA School of Law Los Angeles, California

J. A. Cooper cooperjaXC
@ccaoa Director of GIS Research

@CCAoA Virginia

Trent Brew trentbrew

@turtlehq Los Angeles, CA

Shannon O'Leary sjoleary
Assistant Professor, Molecular Ecology & Conservation Genomics

St Anselm College

Alessandro Pizzigolotto chickymonkeys
Postdoc @Economics_UCPH. Meticulous Debugger. R, Python and trying to avoid Stata.

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

camille camille-s
data should be cute, accessible, and liberatory

@CT-Data-Haven Baltimore, MD

Ken Đinh Vũ Ken-Vu
An early-career MS Statistics graduate who enjoys exploring and solving the problems of tomorrow through research and data-driven methods.

San Jose, CA

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
fn learn() { learn(); }
Sarah Ligon ligonish
Housing is a public good.
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst
