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Research Scientist @ ORNL

ORNL Oak Ridge

Renato Araujo RenatoExpert

Shogun Automacao Brazil

Michael Teti mteti-LANL

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM

Francis Black Lee FrancisBlackLee
PhD student at Physics Department of Fudan University. Specialize in computational electron microscopy.
Janine Pino j9pino
Research Intelligence, library data, and technology training.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Knoxville, TN

Jessica Nicole Welch jessnicwelch
Data Scientist | Project Coordinator

@ornldaac East Tennessee

Matthias NuclearPhoenixx
Everything can be done with a microcontroller!


Ricardo Fares ricardofares
📚 MSc student in Computer Science at UNESP - São Paulo State University.

São José do Rio Preto, SP

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas
full stack software engineer

Chicago, IL

E. A. Klein eaklein
PhD student | MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

MIT Cambridge, MA

Nikan Doosti Nikronic
Data Engineer and Data Scientist | Loves Research and Games


Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Grant Generaux ggeneraux
Ph.D student in Systems Science

New Hope, Pennsylvania

Junmian Zhu zhujunmian
A Physical Chemistry PhD student at UC Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley San Francisco Bay Area

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Ronaldo V. Lobato rvlobato
Physicist and GNU/Linux/FOSS enthusiast

São Paulo

James Gaboardi jGaboardi
GIScience, Python, Spatial Optimization, Geocomputation, @pysal

ORNL Atlanta, GA

Alan Lujan alanlujan91
Visiting Assistant Research Professor, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University. Core developer @econ-ark.

Johns Hopkins University Rockville, MD

Mark Coletti markcoletti
Staff scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. My research is on improving our understanding of the dynamics of evolutionary algorithms on HPC platforms.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

Elaine Wong wongey

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN, USA

Matthias Maiterth maiterth
Postdoctoral Research Associate at @ORNL

@ORNL Knoxville, Tennessee

Chad Steed csteed

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN

Darren Hsu darrenjhsu
Solutions Architect at NVIDIA. Ph.D. in Computational / Biophysical Chemistry, Northwestern University.

NVIDIA Knoxville, TN

Jong Choi jychoi-hpc

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

John A. Turner turner61

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Knoxville, TN

Michele Martone michelemartone
Author of the FIM image viewer and the LIBRSB "Sparse BLAS" library for sparse matrices

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Germany