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[Fabric] How can I use react-native-vector-icons in the new cpp-template? #12954

Answered by chrisglein
l3utterfly asked this question in Q&A
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If you put files in the assets folder they will be copied over for the bundle. The question is how do you refer to them. Nothing about putting them in the bundle will have them automatically loaded as valid font faces. So there needs to be some Uri to the loaded file. If you poke around in the vector-icons you can see some per-platform logic there wit adding the files. I'm not actually positive what the steps are for UWP fonts (which is what you'd need for RNW Paper). There are some articles on it like this. There might be something from within the main Windows typography articles, I'm not sure. Not saying it isn't possible, I'm just not personally familiar. I do see that Xamarin has some…

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