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Still Needs Manual Backport
Still Needs Manual Backport
third-party integration: jupyter
third-party integration: jupyter
third-party integration: pandas
third-party integration: pandas
third-party integration
third-party integration
topic: animation
topic: animation
topic: annotation
topic: annotation
topic: arrow
topic: arrow
topic: backends
topic: backends
topic: canvas and figure manager
topic: canvas and figure manager
topic: categorical
topic: categorical
topic: collections and mappables
topic: collections and mappables
topic: color/alpha
topic: color/alpha
topic: color/color & colormaps
topic: color/color & colormaps
topic: color/colorbar
topic: color/colorbar
topic: color/cycle
topic: color/cycle
topic: contour
topic: contour
topic: date handling
topic: date handling
topic: dpi and resolution
topic: dpi and resolution
topic: figures and subfigures
topic: figures and subfigures
topic: geometry manager
topic: geometry manager
LayoutEngine, Constrained layout, Tight layout
topic: hatch
topic: hatch
topic: hist
topic: hist
topic: images
topic: images
topic: legend
topic: legend
topic: markers
topic: markers
topic: mpl_toolkit
topic: mpl_toolkit
topic: mplot3d
topic: mplot3d
topic: path handling
topic: path handling
topic: pcolor/pcolormesh
topic: pcolor/pcolormesh