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Releases: livepeer/go-livepeer


12 Jan 21:28
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This release adds support for a new L1 Rinkeby contract deployment used for the Confluence testnet. If you are planning on participating in the testnet you should upgrade to this release. This release does not contain any updates for mainnet.

Breaking Changes 🚨🚨

  • The node will no longer connect with the old L1 Rinkeby contract deployment when the -network rinkeby flag is used. Instead the node will connect to the new L1 Rinkeby contract deployment when the -network rinkeby flag is used using a new hardcoded Controller contract address at 0x9a9827455911a858E55f07911904fACC0D66027E.


  • #2177 Update hardcoded Rinkeby Eth Controller Address (@leszko)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: b76897e4c2d87efd3a50a19a597a6124f12aea8fd84603186e4409c1bae6094e
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 723dd535a7c3d24ff20f8569f269f712f4086f7e25092328e1e1ec96b8be21f7
  • f30a5908728167acfa2d1ce7826b2137092ffc2e088df96056a72bdc69f60eca

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


05 Jan 19:39
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This is a fast follow patch release for v0.5.24 to fix a bug that caused orchestrators to return errors right after a transaction is submitted resulting in the previously active streams to be re-routed from the orchestrators. If you are running an orchestrator you should upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

In order to fix this bug, the feature from v0.5.24 that set the maxFeePerGas of transactions to -maxGasPrice is temporarily disabled and will be re-enabled in the next release. The node will continue not submitting transactions if the current expected gas price for a transaction exceeds -maxGasPrice, but due to the disabling of the aforementioned feature, it is possible for a transaction to be mined at a gas price higher than -maxGasPrice if the gas price increases quickly after the node performs its -maxGasPrice check. The next release will ensure that a transaction cannot be mined at a gas price higher than -maxGasPrice.

Features ⚒


  • #2157 Add support for EIP-712 typed data signing in livepeer_cli (@yondonfu)



  • #2146 Allows Os receive payments while pending activation (@leszko)

Bug Fixes 🐞


  • #2163 Fix Session crashes right after the O sends a tx, revert #2111 Ensure maxFeePerGas in all transactions never exceed -masGasPrice (@leszko)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: e2522bbcc2d10eccd9ad77802dcf8c32ebc4d9017783789eec56bbe402ecff3c
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 4efbda6d5e6586e7eb1e6ccbd526da65cdbe2e4e27a01cb76b1f2893fe790fdb
  • 63e2707854aada3b7626f04f27ce17457e93137c4473656aabfc5004f8ecb87b

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


22 Dec 00:46
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This release includes an important fix for a memory leak that can be triggered when using the CUDA MPEG-7 video signature capability (when using a Nvidia GPU), which is used for fast verification, for orchestrators/transcoders. If you are running an orchestrator or transcoder you should upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Additional highlights of this release:

  • Support for running fast verification on broadcasters
  • Support for configuring livepeer using a file. See the docs for instructions on using a configuration file
  • An improvement to the failover behavior in split orchestrator + transcoder setups in the scenario where a transcoder crashes
  • Ensure that the the fee per gas for a transaction never exceeds the value set for -maxGasPrice

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Features ⚒



  • #2086 Add support for fast verification (@jailuthra @darkdragon)
  • #2085 Set max refresh sessions threshold to 8 (@yondonfu)
  • #2083 Return 422 to the push client after max retry attempts for a segment (@jailuthra)
  • #2022 Randomize selection of orchestrators in untrusted pool at a random frequency (@yondonfu)
  • #2100 Check verified session first while choosing the result from multiple untrusted sessions (@leszko)
  • #2103 Suspend sessions that did not pass p-hash verification (@leszko)
  • #2110 Transparently support HTTP/2 for segment requests while allowing HTTP/1 via GODEBUG runtime flags (@yondonfu)
  • #2124 Do not retry transcoding if HTTP client closed/canceled the connection (@leszko)
  • #2122 Add the upload segment timeout to improve failing fast (@leszko)


  • #2094 Gracefully notify orchestrator in case of a panic in transcoder (@leszko)

Bug Fixes 🐞


  • #2067 Add safety checks in selectOrchestrator for auth token and ticket params in OrchestratorInfo (@yondonfu)


Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 6ada30329ebae2ef86fd03d8d0381f4e27453f5e3adec17d6e0f7040cbaa6387
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: c128fafcd9a8f06a22ecbd9a016f0de4d0b57c1e0ad360479303440451d3d0a2
  • 1703596b0232eec071ae80cdd736c42039544edd0c723ccc1a7bdc7c15ab08c4

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


28 Oct 21:17
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This release includes an important MPEG-7 video signature capability fix, which is used for fast verification, for orchestrators/transcoders running on Windows. If you are running an orchestrator or transcoder on Windows you should upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Additional highlights of this release:

  • Support for EIP-1559 (otherwise known as type 2) Ethereum transactions which results in more predictable transaction confirmation times, reduces the chance of stuck pending transactions and avoids overpaying in gas fees. If you are interested in additional details on the implications of EIP-1559 transactions refer to this resource.
  • An improvement in ticket parameter generation for orchestrators to prevent short lived gas price spikes on the Ethereum network from disrupting streams.
  • The node will automatically detect if the GPU enters an unrecoverable state and crash. The reason for crashing upon detecting an unrecoverable GPU state is that no transcoding will be possible in this scenario until the node is restarted. We recommend node operators to setup a process for monitoring if their node is still up and starting the node if it has crashed. For reference, a bash script similar to this one can be used to automate restarts of the node in the event of a crash.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Features ⚒


  • #2013 Add support for EIP-1559 transactions (@yondonfu)
  • #2073 Make filtering orchestrators in the DB that haven't been updated in last day optional (@yondonfu)

Bug Fixes 🐞



  • #2071 Update tx cost check when generating ticket params to be more resistant to gas price spikes (@yondonfu)


  • #2057 Prevent stuck sessions by crashing on unrecoverable CUDA errors (@jailuthra)
  • #2066 Fix filename parsing errors for signature_cuda filter on Windows (@jailuthra)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 89a2508944ab2725ce82b74597171a505a07423a86eecbdb65331fdd73aa68d7
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 0c22bb2ea9413966371886673625395e5597ed903dcded51927dee1dd001aa1c
  • 5e7e230e52fc5f477f0871efe72c641408afbbb5b7709e6c0f7af8844dc1d7b9

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


29 Sep 21:29
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This release includes a new orchestrator/transcoder MPEG-7 video signature capability which is required for broadcasters to run transcoding verification. The MPEG-7 video signatures are used as perceptual hashes in a "fast verification" algorithm that is described in the Fast and Full Transcoding Verification design. If a CPU is used for transcoding, the video signature computation will occur on the CPU. If a GPU is used for transcoding (i.e. the -nvidia flag is used), the video signature computation will occur on the GPU. Orchestrators and transcoders should upgrade to this release as soon as possible to ensure that they will be able to continue serving broadcasters that run fast verification (the complete broadcaster implementation will be shipped at a later date).

Orchestrators and transcoders should also make note of the breaking change in this release that drops support for Nvidia GPUs from the Kepler series.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Breaking Changes 🚨🚨

  • #2027 Nvidia GPUs belonging to the Kepler series (GeForce 600, 700 series) and older, are no longer supported by go-livepeer. Cuda 11 is needed for newer GPUs, which only supports the Maxwell series or newer.

Features ⚒



  • #2036 Generate mpeg7 perceptual hashes for fast verification (@jailuthra)

Bug Fixes 🐞


  • #2027 Fix a memleak in the (experimental) AI content detection filter (@cyberj0g)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 904866395dae2bf5f2dd386d73097ebfbc467c1424e78faf8e178578c806aa04
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: aa966e0af5599faf04d1c9334da36f59e3f6007ca23fc0f21c7c2379b998f0e4
  • 5133cea0bed71cde18891e42908aaefa31bbf87b33b1434ba1cb11b260c75db8

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


13 Sep 17:55
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This release includes a few important bug fixes including:

  • A fix for winning tickets incorrectly being marked as redeemed in the node's database even though they have not been redeemed yet
  • A fix for node crashes due to the submission of a replacement transaction when a max gas price is not configured
  • A fix for increased gas usage of reward transactions if an orchestrator did not receive stake updates in the previous round (via a reward call or delegation)

Additionally, this release includes a new -autoAdjustPrice flag that allows orchestrators to enable/disable automatic price adjustments based on the overhead for ticket redemption (which is determined by the current ETH gas price). Orchestrators can disable automatic price adjustments by setting -autoAdjustPrice=false (default is true) to ensure that they advertise a constant price to broadcasters avoiding the scenario where they lose all jobs due to a gas price spike that causes their advertised price to exceed the max price set by broadcasters. Refer to the docs for more information. If orchestrators disable automatic price adjustments then it is recommended to also use the -maxGasPrice flag to set a maximum gas price for transactions to wait to redeem tickets during lower gas prices periods.

We strongly recommend all orchestrator and transcoder operators to upgrade to this version to access this latest set of bug fixes and improvements.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Features ⚒


  • #1946 Send transcoding stream health events to a metadata queue (@victorges)


  • #2025 Add -autoAdjustPrice flag to enable/disable automatic price adjustments (@yondonfu)


  • #1979 Upgrade to ffmpeg v4.4 and improved API for (experimental) AI tasks (@jailuthra)

Bug Fixes 🐞



  • #2026 Run signature verification even without a verification policy specified (@yondonfu)


  • #2018 Only mark tickets for failed transactions as redeemed when there is an error checking the transaction (@yondonfu)
  • #2029 Fix active total stake calculation when generating hints for rewardWithHint (@yondonfu)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 22b4a7614d18e82986276c51340bd49515917f4689d146f69dd66e89dde762a0
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 9a1e1af0867f1232152d538016515f20ca7c2728e7fe3492a85ec5a617676243
  • 7ef76ae08da5631bed8b645710ca7a228d1b936083702f234b9885958703ef22

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


12 Aug 00:19
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This release includes another gas price monitoring fix to address additional cases where Ethereum JSON-RPC providers occassionally return really low gas prices for the eth_gasPrice RPC call, automatic replacements for pending transactions that timeout, fixes for broadcaster stream recording, support for downloading stream recordings as mp4 files as well as variety of other bug fixes and enhancements. We strongly recommend all orchestrator and transcoder operators to upgrade to this version to access this latest set of bug fixes and improvements.

In addition to the gas price monitoring fix and support for automatic replacements for pending transactions that timeout, a few additional configuration options are introduced to give node operators more control over gas prices and transactions:

  • -maxTransactionReplacements <INTEGER> can be used to specify the max number of times to replace a pending transaction that times out. The default value is 1.
  • -txTimeout <DURATION> can be used to specify the timeout duration for a pending transaction after which a replacement transaction would be submitted. The default value is 5m.
  • -minGasPrice <INTEGER> can be used to specify the minimum gas price (in wei) to use for transactions. The default is 1 gwei on mainnet.

More information about these new flags is accessible via livepeer -help.

The default value for the -maxTicketEV flag for broadcasters has been updated to 3000 gwei based on the default value of 1000 gwei for the -ticketEV flag for orchestrators which is safer for broadcasters. For more information on these default values, refer to the payment docs for video developers and the payment docs for video miners.

An experimental version of a deep neural network (DNN) based scene classification capability is mentioned in the changelog, but please note that while this is the first step towards enabling this capability on the network for video miners, this feature is NOT yet usable on the network today and is undergoing rapid development.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Features ⚒




  • #1931 Bump ticket redemption gas estimate to 350k to account for occasional higher gas usage (@yondonfu)


Bug Fixes 🐞


  • #1968 Fix nil pointer error in embedded transaction receipts returned from the TransactionManager (@kyriediculous)
  • #1977 Fix error logging for failed replacement transaction (@yondonfu)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: dd907a0760104552bac1b59a453a25bcb1f0175f23ace74e8d3742322151719e
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 76be58c81dd41f06c8bab6dacefc9815b4a3c2e85e3c4333ed0dd24c5c4769e5
  • d1aafb9149bbf2440998918d5377529ee1c1efe88a25d09b162b5707b71f94e8

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>

Note: The Windows release was cut from a commit that was created after the v0.5.19 tagged commit because there was a Windows build process issue that needed to be fixed after the v0.5.19 commit. As a result, livepeer.exe -version will report 0.5.19-b6b17f1 instead of 0.5.19.


19 May 02:28
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This release includes an important fix that allows orchestrators to accurately set ticket face values (previously there were cases where orchestrators would inaccurately set ticket face values to a really low value) by discarding really low non-sensical gas prices returned by Ethereum JSON-RPC providers in the gas price monitor, reductions in the gas cost for staking actions (under certain circumstances) using livepeer_cli and improvements to split orchestrator and transcoder setups that help remote transcoders retain streams. We strongly recommend all orchestrator and transcoder operators to upgrade to this version as soon as possible to access this latest set of bug fixes and improvements.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Breaking Changes 🚨🚨

  • Payment/ticket metrics are no longer recorded with high cardinality keys (i.e. recipient, manifestID) which means those labels will no longer be available when using a monitoring system such as Prometheus

Features ⚒





  • #1840 Automatically use all GPUs when -nvidia=all flag is set (@jailuthra)

Bug Fixes 🐞



  • #1862 Report the correct FPS in outputs when FPS passthrough is enabled for GPU transcoding (@jailuthra)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 710d1318155a3a6b1e58c079900b864fa1163c112058e448a75fbedf748eb31e
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: bb821290b3a3fa5862ff5d5f804c9f065420d45af8eabf238a3a25cdd333ce54
  • 59a5029d2f6a7dcc1525e6ea4b1e88cd0fa0207c351d91eaa788ddf16b808bad

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


13 Apr 23:57
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This release includes a few fixes for bugs that could cause nodes to crash due to race conditions and unexpected values returned by third party services (i.e. ETH JSON-RPC providers). We strongly recommend all node operators to upgrade to this version as soon as possible to access these bug fixes.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

Breaking Changes 🚨🚨

  • The deprecated -gasPrice, -s3bucket, -s3creds, -gsbucket and -gskey flags are now removed

Features ⚒


  • #1838 Remove deprecated flags: -gasPrice, -s3bucket, -s3creds, -gsbucket, -gskey (@kyriediculous)


Bug Fixes 🐞



Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: 4a3d7d84a3c5b3ee68b86e90a9b8c7a85db6326fdb08ef75f26fe74f685781ef
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 39dc144285e4ff661068685687d159b721f6f0fdc9d771af05e2f3f805d58f6e
  • ba866f2a4f34d9af041fd2e3cc8133b9fbda36a6ad458f759fb65f959612093e

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>


30 Mar 00:29
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This release includes an important fix for a bug that could cause broadcasters to crash due to missing data in responses from misconfigured orchestrators. We strongly recommend that all broadcaster operators upgrade to this version as soon as possible to access this bug fix.

If you are not a broadcaster operator, then upgrading to this release is not urgent.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisting in testing!

Bug Fixes 🐞



  • #1782 Fix SegsInFlight data-loss on refreshing O sessions (@darkdragon)
  • #1814 Add price checks when caching orchestrator responses during discovery (@yondonfu)
  • #1818 Additional checks to avoid nil pointer errors caused by unexpected orchestrator configurations (@kyriediculous)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

sha256 hashes for release archives:

  • livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: d2a04478850a78d3427dc2b41d34b377cbba445def77bb6a44678ad949062ac7
  • livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz: 4de9e303b1ac6fd498da43d18bb74661c21e8b2494f6ace5e99d1621ff4e9c7d
  • 92bf96ad391f2ebc3bd8b3132a86592deb46a8764de2c24cf521a7cf30c8b779

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer-<PLATFORM>-amd64.<EXTENSION>