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Releases: intermine/intermine

InterMine 5.0.2

24 May 14:45
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#2335 - BioGrid data change causing loader to throw Exception
#2344 - Why feature.setAttribute("scoreType", record.getSource()) in
#2352 - Enrichment web service fails if using ids and background population
#2356 - Graph and table windgets WSs do not work when passing IDs
#2358 - Check the type in the bag upload form
#2367 - preparation release

InterMine 5.0.1 (Broken)

20 May 17:37
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Due to a sync issue, the bio-webapp 5.0.1 artifact has been built wrapping intermine-webapp 5.0.0 instead of 5.0.1 and, as a consequence of this, it doesn't contain some of the following fixes.
Patch release including:
#2344 - Why feature.setAttribute("scoreType", record.getSource()) in
#2352 - Enrichment web service fails if using ids and background population
#2356 - Graph and table windgets WSs do not work when passing IDs
#2358 - Check the type in the bag upload form
#2367 - preparation release 5.0.1

InterMine 5.0.0

15 Apr 14:40
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Release to power BlueGenes 1.0.0
#1720 - Need Google OAuth2 authentication web service end points
#1835 - When trying to create a list with the same name as another list via api, give informative error
#2173 - Password reset / I forgot my password service
#2177 - Include bgpath: prefixed tags in responses to lists webservice
#2201 - Include creation/last modified date in saved queries webservice
#2263 - Fixed UniprotFastaLoaderTaskTest see #2259
#2269 - Add externalLink webservice
#2280 - Webservice for sending feedback
#2288 - 200 OK response when deleting unauthorized list (instead of 400)
#2290 - Add appropriate error message when renaming a list to something existing
#2295 - Webservice as key-value store for Bluegenes properties
#2315 - Upgrade List: new webservice for bluegenes
#2325 - Disallow adding tags for unauthorized lists
#2327 - Frictionless
#2328 - DataRecord (bioscehmas profile) deprecated
#2337 - Support passing project.credits in web-properties ws
#2345 - Remove dependency on jcenter

InterMine 4.3.1

19 Mar 11:10
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#2317 - Update build.gradle
#2331 - Remove invalid draw options, fixing geneExpressionAtlas displayers
#2338 - Update copyright
#2339 - Migrate from Travis to Actions

HumanMine 9

30 Jan 18:17
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update status badge


22 Dec 17:10
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update status badge

InterMine 4.3.0

16 Dec 15:50
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#2308 - Enabling bioschemas markup with JAVA 11 throws an error
#2274 - Obo: added a new generic obo file source that is configured in project.xml so that it can be used for any ontology (thanks @sammyjava)
#2276 - Removed gretty plugin (from testmine) which does't work with gradle 4.9
#2279 - NullPointerException in report page caused by generating permanent url link (Share button)
#2281 - Npe report page
#2282 - Google Charts API broke various things, including the humanmine expression viewers.
#2296 - Update google auth and userinfo endopoints
#2305 - Fix format=jsonobjects queries for simple root classes (thanks @sammyjava)

The so.obo file has been removed from the bio-source-so to avoid duplication

humanmine 8

04 Aug 09:02
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check out for humanmine 8.0


20 Aug 19:34
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Merge pull request #2283 from uosl/fix/chart-loader

Do not override hasOwnProperty JS builtin, fixing list-widgets

InterMine 4.2.0

11 Jun 16:47
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#1650 - Need way to upgrade anonymous sessions via web service
#1969 - FAIR: add profile Gene and Protein markup to the report page
#2099 - Need webservice endpoint that identifies if superuser
#2142 - Create a new logout service
#2144 - Update the /user endpoint to allow to change password
#2148 - Add PUT method to the /lists webservice to update the description
#2149 - Update the /users endpoint to attach to the user just created the lists created anonymously
#2155 - FAIR: adopt DataRecord type in the report page
#2199 - Invalid JSON response to POST /user/queries
#2205 - Update change password webservice to require current password
#2207 - Add clearLocation() to removeFeature() (thanks @sammyjava)
#2215 - Fix organism short name formation (thanks @ahmedihafez)
#2236 - Remove BioEntity.ontologyAnnotations because redundant (thanks @sammyjava)
#2237 - Editing a Date filter on the results table shows Service failed message
#2239 - BAR ThaleMine - 6: Fixed a minor bug in reports page long fields (thanks @asherpasha)
#2240 - BAR ThaleMine - 7: go-annotation loader (thanks @asherpasha)
#2242 - /service/templates is missing optional constraint if format=json
#2246 - Issues related to fields with type Date
#2252 - Added a new bio source to load ISA files in json format
#2253 - and in project.xml not always work as expected
#2255 - Added BioChemEntity (via configuration) markup
#2259 - UniProtFastaLoader doesn't extract the organism name composed by more than 2 words
#2264 - Add licence to the OboConverter