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 The Binary Habitability Mechanism Calculator
 2014 [)] Jorge Zuluaga - Viva la BHM!


BHMcalc is a project conceived and developed after the collaboration of the author (Prof. Jorge I. Zuluaga, UdeA) with Prof. Paul Mason (NMSU) and their former graduate and undergraduate students Dr. Pablo A. Cuartas-Restrepo and Joni Clark. It arose from the interest of our team (internally dubbed as the BHM Mafia) in the complex and rich conditions that potentially habitable planets could have while orbiting moderately separated binaries (binary periods under 60 days).

This is a tool that can be used as a web app or a python package. The tool is entirely programmed in python and php (web interface) and it intends to be as friendly as possible to astronomers working in this field.

If you need to cite this software please include a reference to one (or all) of the following papers:

  • Mason, P. A., Zuluaga, J. I., Clark, J. M., & Cuartas-Restrepo, P. A. (2013). Rotational Synchronization May Enhance Habitability for Circumbinary Planets: Kepler Binary Case Studies. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 774(2), L26 (ADS Entry).

  • Mason, P. A., Zuluaga, J. I., Cuartas-Restrepo, P. A., & Clark, J. M. (2014). Circumbinary Habitability Niches. arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5163 (ADS Entry)


An on-line version of BHMcalc is available at:

This version is intended to be used by non-programmer or for those not interested on dealing with source code coming from a different programmers.

For those interested in getting the source code or installing a mirror site, you need to know that presently are two versions of the software. The first (and more primitive version) located in the trunk of this project (master branch). And the newest (experimental but more flexible and faster) version which is presently located in the BHMcalc2 branch.

For getting the lattest version please follow the instructions below.

The first version is not anymore maintained so it is not as recommended as the newest version.

Getting a copy

To get a copy of the newest version of this project just execute:

$ git clone --branch BHMcalc2

For the oldest version just remove the --branch option.

Instructions for the contirbutor

  1. Generate a public key of your account at the client where you will develop contributions:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "user@email"
  2. Upload public key to the github FACom repository (only authorized for the FACom repository manager),

  3. Configure git at the client:

    $ git config --global "Your Name"
    $ git config --global "your@email"
  4. Get an authorized clone of the project:

    $ git clone
  5. Checkout the branch you are interested in (e.g. BHMcalc2):

    $ git checkout -b BHMcalc2 origin/BHMcalc2
  6. Checkout back into the master:

    $ git checkout master


This project must be used and distributed under the [GPL License Version 2] (

All wrongs reserved to Jorge I. Zuluaga.