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edsu edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the linkypedia wiki!


The idea behind linkypedia is to help cultural heritage institutions that are putting content online to see how wikipedians are citing and annotating their stuff. Many libraries, museums and archives have embraced the new publishing medium of the Web by digitizing items and putting them online. Traditionally these items have been organized and annotated by catalogers, archivists and curators around the world.

linkypedia aims to help reveal and foster the connections between these digital curation communities. The idea being that if organizations can see how their web content is being used in Wikipedia, they will be encouraged and emboldened to do more. In addition linkypedia can also help cultural heritage institutions get involved in content creation on Wikipedia itself. Wikipedia encourages the participation of librarians, archivists and museum curators—and linkypedia can help those working at cultural heritage institutions get to work.

Enhancement Ideas

  • link scrubbing (check for 404s,follow redirects, etc)
  • a feed of all new pages (not just website specific)
  • layer metadata harvested from dbpedia-live and/or uberblic into feeds
  • try to do analysis of which wikipedia users are adding links for a specific site
  • provide hints on how to make your website more citable: look at robots.txt, etc
  • ability to group host names
  • openid enabled user accounts
  • search non-english wikipedias as well


Add your name/organization even if there isn’t a public URL you can point at:

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