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Getting Started


NQuery mainly provides three classes: Query, Expression and DataContext.

NQuery Overview

The DataContext represents something like a scope in which you can place tables, relations, functions, named constants and aggregates.

Query can be used to execute a SELECT statement against a data context. Expression can be used in scenarios where you only need an expression instead of a full query. This can be especially useful for features like searching, filtering or field mapping.

Both Query and Expression contain a parameter collection that is very similar to the parameter collection used by .NET database classes. Changing parameter values does not require the Query or Expression to be recompiled.

See sections Expressions and Queries to see how these classes are actually used.


Below is an example of two expressions that are used to:

  1. Filter a list of type to include only types that are either abstract or not a class and have more than 50 members

  2. Create string from a type that shows the type's fullname and base type's fullname

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;

using NQuery;

namespace NQueryQuickDemo2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get a lists with all types
            Console.WriteLine("Loading types...");
            List<Type> typeList = new List<Type>();
            foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())

            // Create an empty data context
            DataContext dataContext = new DataContext();
            // Create expression to filter types
            Expression filterExpr = new Expression("(@Type.IsAbstract OR NOT @Type.IsClass) AND @Type.GetMembers().Length > 50", dataContext);
            filterExpr.Parameters.Add("@Type", typeof(Type));

            // Create expression to create a value from a type
            Expression valueExpr = new Expression("@Type.FullName + COALESCE(' : ' + @Type.BaseType.FullName, '')", dataContext);
            valueExpr.Parameters.Add("@Type", typeof(Type));

            foreach (Type type in typeList)
                filterExpr.Parameters["@Type"].Value = type;
                valueExpr.Parameters["@Type"].Value = type;

                bool filterResult = Convert.ToBoolean(filterExpr.Evaluate());
                string valueResult = Convert.ToString(valueExpr.Evaluate());

                if (filterResult)


Below is an example of a query that joins a list of types with their type members and groups them by assembly name and member type.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;

using NQuery;

namespace NQueryQuickDemo1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get a lists with all types and all members

            Console.WriteLine("Loading types...");
            List<Type> typeList = new List<Type>();
            List<MemberInfo> memberList = new List<MemberInfo>();
            foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();

                foreach (Type t in types)

            // Create data context containing the tables "Types" and "Members"

            DataContext dataContext = new DataContext();
            dataContext.Tables.Add(typeList.ToArray(), "Types");
            dataContext.Tables.Add(memberList.ToArray(), "Members");

            Query query = new Query(dataContext);
            query.Text = @"
                SELECT  t.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name AS AssemblyName,
                        m.MemberType.ToString() AS MemberType,
                        COUNT(*) AS MemberCount
                FROM    Types t
                            INNER JOIN Members m ON m.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName
                GROUP   BY t.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name, m.MemberType

            // Execute the query and get a DataTable containing the result

            Console.WriteLine("Executing query...");
            DataTable result = query.ExecuteDataTable();
            result.TableName = "Types";