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File metadata and controls

107 lines (94 loc) · 3.97 KB

NEC Technologies Interview Questions

Profile: Member of Technical Staff

Coding round questions

  • Display all numbers between 32-62 which ends with 5.
  • Write a program that accepts a decimal number and outputs the binary representation of that number.
  • Given ASCII values, output the string.
  • You are given an m x n 2D matrix. Rotate the image by 90 degrees (anti-clockwise).
  • Write a program to convert infix to postfix.
  • Write a program to print transpose of a given matrix.
  • Given a 2D array, find the maximum sum subarray in it.
  • Given a binary search tree, write a function kth smallest to find the kth smallest element in it.
  • Given a text file, I want the words to be scanned from it, along with their occurrences, sort them in descending order, & display the top 10 words.
  • Find the second-largest number.
  • Find whether two strings are an anagram of each other.
  • Find missing number unsorted contiguous array.
  • Find Number of common Guests in all parties if the user gives the input in the following format. The guest's list for parties is in one line separated by Comma(,).
     Input: 122,444,2223,122,1111,122,2233,123,333,333,444,

Technical Interview Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Write a recursive function to print reverse of a Linked List.
  • Write a program in C/C++ to sort an Array in O(n).
  • WAP to reverse a linked list.
  • Implement queue.
  • What are the advantages of a doubly linked list?
  • Various types of Hashing-Linear, Quadratic and Mid-Square.
  • Decimal to Binary program using recursion.
  • Find the largest Number of Array using recursion.
  • WAP to sort a Linked List.
  • Program for converting Little to Big Endian.
  • Find the centre element of a linked list?
  • Print left the view of Binary Search Tree.
  • Implement a circular linked list.
  • Write a program on palindrome linked list and stack implementation using a linked list.
  • Program to remove duplicates from the linked list.
  • Program to detect if there is any loop in the linked list.
  • Write a program for a maximum of 4 numbers in good readable, optimized code.


  • Database design using Normalization.
  • What are DBMS, RDBMS and ORDBMS?
  • What is DDL, DML and DCL?
  • What has clustered indexing?
  • Transaction and normalisation.

Operating System
  • Define Semaphores, Fragmentation, Normalization?
  • Discuss Deadlock, Cyclic wait.
  • Paging and segmentation.
  • What is thrashing?
  • What is the difference between a mutex and binary semaphore?
  • Can you name some IPC(Inter-process communication) mechanism?

  • How to implement a class in C?
  • Difference between C and C++.
  • What is a template?
  • Elaborate upon the fact of inheritance in C structures.
  • How can you make the same variable accessible to two C programs?
  • Define Synchronization, Desynchronization, Interim, Manipulation(Java).
  • Name the technologies to store Sequential Files.
  • Difference between exe and dll.
  • Discussion about Volatile(in C).
  • Difference between const, const pointer, const to pointer(in C).
  • What is a virtual function in C++? What is a pure virtual function?
  • What is dual-core, cache m/m, the throughput of processors?
  • Abstract class and Interface in Java.
  • What is the difference between virtual and static class?
  • Differentiate between Call by value, call by address, call by reference.
  • Implement operator overloading in C++?

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