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119 lines (78 loc) · 6.05 KB


Please read our General communication guidelines here.

Code contributions

Thank you for you interest in contributing to Ulauncher! We very much appreciate it.

Issues with the contributor-friendly label are more straight forward to implement. Other issues may require in-depth knowledge of the Ulauncher architecture. Before you put the work in, you may want to ask about it in Code Contributions, to ensure that it's a feature or improvement we want.

Although there are no releases for it yet as of writing this, all the active development is happening for Ulauncher v6. So use the v6 (default) branch as the base branch and target for new pull requests, and check that your contributions haven't already been fixed there.

Setup Development Environment

For the v6 branch you need the the following to setup the local build environment:

  • Git
  • Yarn
  • python3-setuptools (if you have pip, you have it already)
  • Application runtime dependencies (if you already installed Ulauncher you should have most of these, but python-xlib is new for v6)
  • Optionally install pygobject-stubs. Note that pygobject-stubs can only be installed for Gtk3 OR Gtk4. The only way to switch is to reinstall. Ulauncher uses Gtk3, but Gtk4 is the default. Rather than requiring users to install it for Gtk3 we are currently ignoring the mypy errors for all the incompatible places.

Distro specific instructions


Install the development dependencies:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git bash make sed yarnpkg python3-setuptools debhelper dh-python

Install the Python testing packages (read about the PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES flag here):

PYGOBJECT_STUB_CONFIG=Gtk3,Gdk3,Soup2 PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=1 pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you don't have Ulauncher installed already, install the runtime dependencies as well (requires universe repo):

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install python3-{all,gi,gi-cairo,xlib} gobject-introspection \

First, install your system updates:

sudo pacman -Syu

Install the development and testing dependencies:

sudo pacman -Syu --needed git bash make sed yarn mypy ruff typos python-{build,black,pytest,pytest-mock,setuptools}

To get types from pygobject, you need pygobject-stubs for GTK3. There is a AUR package for this, but it's only for GTK4, so the pip install is recommended (read about the PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES flag here):

PYGOBJECT_STUB_CONFIG=Gtk3,Gdk3,Soup2 PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=1 pip install --no-cache-dir pygobject-stubs

If you don't have Ulauncher installed already, install the runtime dependencies as well:

sudo pacman -Syu --needed gtk3 webkit2gtk-4.1 gtk-layer-shell python-{cairo,gobject,xlib}
Nix package manager / NixOS
  1. build your development interpreter with make nix-build-dev
  2. use the development interpreter (./nix/dev/bin/python) by either of:
    • pointing your favorite IDE to use it, make sure it adds repository root to PYTHONPATH,
    • using it directly from repository root (otherwise you will use the version of code built with environment),
  3. rebuild the interpreter when project dependencies change,

Alternatively you can run the current code directly make nix-run ARGS="<arg1> <arg2...>", without any IDE completion.

Jetbrains IDEs will have trouble discovering GTK objects (from gi.repository import ... are underlined red). You will need to instruct it to build stub files from binaries by:

  1. placing your cursor over red-underlined import,
  2. pressing Alt+Enter to invoke a dropdown menu with suggested fixes,
  3. selecting Generate stubs for binary module gi.repository.Gtk

Running the app from the local repository

  1. git clone the repository locally
  2. Open a terminal window and cd into the ulauncher repository root directory.
  3. Run make run to start the app, so you can test it. If you had Ulauncher running before, this command will also attempt to stop that instance first, because there can only be one Ulauncher instance running.
  4. When you are done testing or want to restart, press ctrl+c to stop the Ulauncher process. And you can then start it normally again (systemctl --user start ulauncher if uing systemd).

How to contribute

Use the Ulauncher working branch (v6), and verify that the issue or feature hasn't already been resolved there.

  1. Follow the steps above to set up and test locally, but fork the Ulauncher repo and git clone from that fork instead (or change/add the remote to your fork).
  2. When you are ready to contribute code, create a new branch for your PR.
  3. Commit and push your changes. When possible, try to make your changes so that each commit changes just one thing, and please use Conventional Commits for your commit messages.
  4. Create a pull request (provide the relevant information suggested by the template). Use the v6 branch as the base branch and target.

Check out our Developer resources for links for GTK/GOjbject documentation and similar.

There are some more helpful developer and maintainer commands provided by using our make targets. Run make to lists them all.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in a our Code Contributions Discussions.