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SimpleCloudFoundry - ASP.NET Core Sample Application

ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use Config Server for Pivotal Cloud Foundry as a configuration source.


  1. Installed Pivotal CloudFoundry
  2. Installed Spring Cloud Services
  3. .NET Core SDK

Setup Config Server

Refer to common tasks for detailed instructions on creating a Spring Cloud Config Server instance in Cloud Foundry. This sample expects the config server to be backed by the spring-cloud-samples repo.

Publish App & Push

  1. cf target -o myorg -s development
  2. cd src/SimpleCloudFoundry
  3. dotnet restore
  4. Publish app to a directory selecting the framework and runtime you want to run on:
    • dotnet publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -r linux-x64
  5. Push the app using the appropriate manifest:
    • cf push -f manifest.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/linux-x64/publish
    • cf push -f manifest-windows.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/win10-x64/publish

What to expect

The cf push will create an app in the space by the name foo and will bind the myConfigServer service instance to the app. You can hit the app @ https://foo.x.y.z/.

The Config Server should be backed by this Git repository:

Use the menus at the top of the app to see various output:

  • CloudFoundry Settings - should show VCAP_APPLICATION and VCAP_SERVICES configuration data.
  • Config Server Settings - should show the settings used by the client when communicating to the config server. These have been picked up from the service binding.
  • Config Server Data - this is the configuration data returned from the Config Servers Git repository. It will be some of the data from, and application.yml found in the Git repository.
  • Reload - will cause a reload of the configuration data from the server.

See the App Configuration area of the Steeltoe site for a more in-depth walkthrough of the samples and more detailed information