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Releases: Netflix/metaflow

2.2.8 (Mar 15th, 2021)

15 Mar 19:56
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Metaflow 2.2.8 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.8 release is a minor patch release.


Fix @environment behavior for conflicting attribute values

Metaflow was incorrectly handling environment variables passed through the @environment decorator in some specific instances. When @environment decorator is specified over multiple steps, the actual environment that's available to any step is the union of attributes of all the @environment decorators; which is incorrect behavior. For example, in the following workflow -

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, batch, environment
import os
class LinearFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):
    def a(self):
    def end(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
var_1=foo var_2=bar python run

will result in

Metaflow 2.2.7.post10+gitb7d4c48 executing LinearFlow for user:savin
Validating your flow...
    The graph looks good!
Running pylint...
    Pylint is happy!
2021-03-12 20:46:04.161 Workflow starting (run-id 6810):
2021-03-12 20:46:04.614 [6810/start/86638 (pid 10997)] Task is starting.
2021-03-12 20:46:06.783 [6810/start/86638 (pid 10997)] foo
2021-03-12 20:46:07.815 [6810/start/86638 (pid 10997)] Task finished successfully.
2021-03-12 20:46:08.390 [6810/a/86639 (pid 11003)] Task is starting.
2021-03-12 20:46:10.649 [6810/a/86639 (pid 11003)] foo
2021-03-12 20:46:11.550 [6810/a/86639 (pid 11003)] Task finished successfully.
2021-03-12 20:46:12.145 [6810/end/86640 (pid 11009)] Task is starting.
2021-03-12 20:46:15.382 [6810/end/86640 (pid 11009)] Task finished successfully.
2021-03-12 20:46:15.563 Done!

Note the output for the step a which should have been bar. PR #452 fixes the issue.

Fix environment is not callable error when using @environment

Using @environment would often result in an error from pylint - E1102: environment is not callable (not-callable). Users were getting around this issue by launching their flows with --no-pylint. PR #451 fixes this issue.

2.2.7 (Feb 8th, 2021)

09 Feb 00:45
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Metaflow 2.2.7 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.7 release is a minor patch release.


Handle for-eaches properly for AWS Step Functions workflows running on AWS Fargate

Workflows orchestrated by AWS Step Functions were failing to properly execute for-each steps on AWS Fargate. The culprit was lack of access to instance metadata for ECS. Metaflow instantiates a connection to Amazon DynamoDB to keep track of for-each cardinality. This connection requires knowledge of the region that the job executes in and is made available via instance metadata on EC2; which unfortunately is not available on ECS (for AWS Fargate). This fix introduces the necessary checks for inferring the region correctly for tasks executing on AWS Fargate. Note that after the recent changes to Amazon S3's consistency model, the Amazon DynamoDB dependency is no longer needed and will be done away in a subsequent release. PR: #436

2.2.6 (Jan 26th, 2021)

26 Jan 21:51
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Metaflow 2.2.6 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.6 release is a minor patch release.


Support AWS Fargate as compute backend for Metaflow tasks launched on AWS Batch

At AWS re:invent 2020, AWS announced support for AWS Fargate as a compute backend (in addition to EC2) for AWS Batch. With this feature, Metaflow users can now submit their Metaflow jobs to AWS Batch Job Queues which are connected to AWS Fargate Compute Environments as well. By setting the environment variable - METAFLOW_ECS_FARGATE_EXECUTION_ROLE , users can configure the ecsTaskExecutionRole for the AWS Batch container and AWS Fargate agent. PR: #402

Support shared_memory, max_swap, swappiness attributes for Metaflow tasks launched on AWS Batch

The @batch decorator now supports shared_memory, max_swap, swappiness attributes for Metaflow tasks launched on AWS Batch to provide a greater degree of control for memory management. PR: #408

Support wider very-wide workflows on top of AWS Step Functions

The tag metaflow_version: and runtime: is now available for all packaged executions and remote executions as well. This ensures that every run logged by Metaflow will have metaflow_version and runtime system tags available. PR: #403

Bug Fixes

Assign tags to Run objects generated through AWS Step Functions executions

Run objects generated by flows executed on top of AWS Step Functions were missing the tags assigned to the flow; even though the tags were correctly persisted to tasks. This release fixes and brings inline the tagging behavior as observed with local flow executions. PR: #386

Pipe all workflow set-up logs to stderr

Execution set-up logs for @conda and IncludeFile were being piped to stdout which made manipulating the output of commands like python step-functions create --only-json a bit difficult. This release moves the workflow set-up logs to stderr. PR: #379

Handle null assignment to IncludeFile properly

A workflow executed without a required IncludeFile parameter would fail when the parameter was referenced inside the flow. This release fixes the issue by assigning a null value to the parameter in such cases. PR: #421

2.2.5 (Nov 11th, 2020)

11 Nov 10:43
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Metaflow 2.2.5 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.5 release is a minor patch release.

  • Features

    • Log metaflow_version: and runtime: tag for all executions
  • Bug Fixes

    • Handle inconsistently cased file system issue when creating @conda environments on macOS for linux-64


Log metaflow_version: and runtime: tag for all executions

The tag metaflow_version: and runtime: is now available for all packaged executions and remote executions as well. This ensures that every run logged by Metaflow will have metaflow_version and runtime system tags available. PR: #376, #375

Bug Fixes

Handle inconsistently cased file system issue when creating @conda environments on macOS for linux-64

Conda fails to correctly set up environments for linux-64 packages on macOS at times due to inconsistently cased filesystems. Environment creation is needed to collect the necessary metadata for correctly setting up the conda environment on AWS Batch. This fix simply ignores the error-checks that conda throws while setting up the environments on macOS when the intended destination is AWS Batch. PR: #377

2.2.4 (Oct 28th, 2020)

28 Oct 23:30
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Metaflow 2.2.4 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.4 release is a minor patch release.

  • Features

    • Metaflow is now compliant with AWS GovCloud & AWS CN regions
  • Bug Fixes

    • Address a bug with overriding the default value for IncludeFile
    • Port AWS region check for AWS DynamoDb from curl to requests


Metaflow is now compliant with AWS GovCloud & AWS CN regions

AWS GovCloud & AWS CN users can now enjoy all the features of Metaflow within their region partition with no change on their end. PR: #364

Bug Fixes

Address a bug with overriding the default value for IncludeFile

Metaflow v2.1.0 introduced a bug in IncludeFile functionality which prevented users from overriding the default value specified. PR: #346

Port AWS region check for AWS DynamoDb from curl to requests

Metaflow's AWS Step Functions' integration relies on AWS DynamoDb to manage foreach constructs. Metaflow was leveraging curl at runtime to detect the region for AWS DynamoDb. Some docker images don't have curl installed by default; moving to requests (a metaflow dependency) fixes the issue. PR: #343

2.2.3 (Sep 8th, 2020)

08 Sep 18:22
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Metaflow 2.2.3 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.3 release is a minor patch release.

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix #305 : Default 'help' for parameters was not handled properly
    • Pin the conda library versions for metaflow default dependencies based on the Python version
    • Add conda bin path to the PATH environment variable during Metaflow step execution
    • Fix a typo in metaflow/

Bug Fixes

Fix #305 : Default 'help' for parameters was not handled properly

Fix the issue where default help for parameters was not handled properly. #305 Flow fails because IncludeFile's default value for the help argument is None. PR: #318

Pin the conda library versions for metaflow default dependencies based on the Python version.

The previously pinned library version does not work with python 3.8. Now we have two sets of different version combinations which should work for python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. PR: #308

Add conda bin path to the PATH environment variable during Metaflow step execution

Previously the executable installed in conda environment was not visible inside metaflow steps. Fixing this issue by appending conda bin path to the PATH environment variable PR: #307

Fix a typo in metaflow/

A typo fix. PR: #304

2.2.2 (Aug 20th, 2020)

20 Aug 08:00
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Metaflow 2.2.2 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.2 release is a minor patch release.

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix a regression introduced in 2.2.1 related to Conda environments
    • Clarify Pandas requirements for Tutorial Episode 04
    • Fix an issue with the metadata service

Bug Fixes

Fix a regression with Conda

Metaflow 2.2.1 included a commit which was merged too early and broke the use of Conda. This release reverses this patch.

Clarify Pandas version needed for Episode 04

Recent versions of Pandas are not backward compatible with the one used in the tutorial; a small comment was added to warn of this fact.

Fix an issue with the metadata service

In some cases, the metadata service would not properly create runs or tasks.

PRs #296, #297, #298

2.2.1 (Aug 17th, 2020)

18 Aug 05:38
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Metaflow 2.2.1 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.1 release is a minor patch release.

  • Features
    • Add include parameter to merge_artifacts.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix a regression introduced in 2.1 related to S3 datatools
    • Fix an issue where Conda execution would fail if the Conda environment was not writeable
    • Fix the behavior of uploading artifacts to the S3 datastore in case of retries


Add include parameter for merge_artifacts

You can now specify the artifacts to be merged explicitly by the merge_artifacts method as opposed to just specifying the ones that should not be merged.

Bug Fixes

Fix a regression with datatools

Fixes the regression described in #285.

Fix an issue with Conda in certain environments

In some cases, Conda is installed system wide and the user cannot write to its installation directory. This was causing issues when trying to use the Conda environment. Fixes #179.

Fix an issue with the S3 datastore in case of retries

Retries were not properly handled when uploading artifacts to the S3 datastore. This fix addresses this issue.

PRs #282, #286, #287, #288, #289, #290, #291

2.2.0 (Aug 4th, 2020)

05 Aug 05:13
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Metaflow 2.2.0 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.2.0 release is a minor release and introduces Metaflow's support for R lang.


Support for R lang.

This release provides an idiomatic API to access Metaflow in R lang. It piggybacks on the Pythonic implementation as the backend providing most of the functionality previously accessible to the Python community. With this release, R users can structure their code as a metaflow flow. Metaflow will snapshot the code, data, and dependencies automatically in a content-addressed datastore allowing for resuming of workflows, reproducing past results, and inspecting anything about the workflow e.g. in a notebook or RStudio IDE. Additionally, without any changes to their workflows, users can now execute code on AWS Batch and interact with Amazon S3 seamlessly.

PR #263 and PR #214 .

2.1.1 (Jul 30th, 2020)

30 Jul 23:58
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Metaflow 2.1.1 Release Notes

The Metaflow 2.1.1 release is a minor patch release.

  • Bug Fixes
    • Handle race condition for /step endpoint of metadata service.

Bug Fixes

Handle race condition for /step endpoint of metadata service.

The foreach step in AWS Step Functions launches multiple AWS Batch tasks, each of which tries to register the step metadata, if it already doesn't exist. This can result in a race condition and cause the task to fail. This patch properly handles the 409 response from the service.

PR #258 & PR #260