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Implementing IDataTemplate

This example will show you how to implement IDataTemplate in your own class to have full control over your DataTemplates. Other than WPF, Avalonia does not have a [DataTemplateSelector]. Therefore you will learn in this sample how you can mimic it’s behavior in Avalonia, if needed.


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IDataTemplate, DataTemplate, DataTemplateSelector

Before we start

You should already have a basic knowledge of DataTemplates.


[IDataTemplate] is an interface which you can implement into your own class in order to be used as a DataTemplate. It has the following members:

bool Match(object?)

Use this function to return if the given object matches to your DataTemplate.

Control Build(object?)

Use this function to build the control which represents the given object.

The Solution

We will create a convenient way to select a matching DataTemplate based on an enum value. The possible DataTemplates can be defined in XAML which should feel familiar to most developers.

Also if we use an enum in this sample, it can be any object in your implementation.

Step 1: Create a new Avalonia Project

Create a new Project using the Avalonia MVVM Project template.

Step 2: Setup the Model

Inside the Models directory add an enum called ShapeTypes.cs:

// Feel free to add more shapes based on your needs.
public enum ShapeType

Step 3: Setup the ViewModel

In the file ViewModels ► MainWindowViewModel.cs we will add a Property SelectedShape and an Array of available shapes called AvailableShapes:

public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase

    private ShapeType _SelectedShape;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the selected ShapeType
    /// </summary>
    public ShapeType SelectedShape
        get { return _SelectedShape; }
        set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _SelectedShape, value); }

    /// <summary>
    ///  Gets an array of all available ShapeTypes
    /// </summary>
    public ShapeType[] AvailableShapes { get; } = Enum.GetValues<ShapeType>();
To get the array of available enum members we can use Enum.GetValues. Learn more in the [Microsoft Docs].

Step 4: Add the DataTemplateSelector

Add a new directory called DataTemplates. Inside this directory add a new file called ShapesTemplateSelector.cs. This class should implement IDataTemplate. We will use a Dictionary where the keys are a string and the values are of type IDataTemplate. This dictionary will be decorated with the [ContentAttribute] which will make it easy to add several items in the XAML later.

We need to implement IDataTemplate in this class. Inside the Match-function we will check if the provided item is inside our Dictionary. If that is the case can use Build to build the control. As the values of our Dictionary are IDataTemplates on their own, we can just call their Build-function and return the result.

// Remember to add the needed usings
using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Metadata;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using IDataTemplateSample.Models;

public class ShapesTemplateSelector : IDataTemplate
    // This Dictionary should store our shapes. We mark this as [Content], so we can directly add elements to it later.
    public Dictionary<string, IDataTemplate> AvailableTemplates { get; } = new Dictionary<string, IDataTemplate>();

    // Build the DataTemplate here
    public Control Build(object? param)
        var key = param?.ToString(); // Our Keys in the dictionary are strings, so we call .ToString() to get the key to look up
        if (key is null) // If the key is null, we throw an ArgumentNullException
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(param));
        return AvailableTemplates[key].Build(param); // finally we look up the provided key and let the System build the DataTemplate for us

    // Check if we can accept the provided data
    public bool Match(object? data)
        // Our Keys in the dictionary are strings, so we call .ToString() to get the key to look up
        var key = data?.ToString();

        return data is ShapeType                        // the provided data needs to be our enum type
                && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)           // and the key must not be null or empty
                && AvailableTemplates.ContainsKey(key); // and the key must be found in our Dictionary

Step 5: Setup the View

Open the file Views ► MainWindow.axaml and create a new ShapesTemplateSelector inside Window.DataTemplates:

<!-- Remember to add the needed namespaces
xmlns:dataTemplates="using:IDataTemplateSample.DataTemplates" -->

        <DataTemplate x:Key="RedCircle" DataType="model:ShapeType">
            <Ellipse Width="50"
                     StrokeThickness="2" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="BlueCircle" DataType="model:ShapeType">
            <Ellipse Width="50"
                     StrokeThickness="2" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="RedSquare" DataType="model:ShapeType">
            <Rectangle Width="50"
                       StrokeThickness="2" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="BlueSquare" DataType="model:ShapeType">
            <Rectangle Width="50"
                       StrokeThickness="2" />
Each item in the Dictionary must have an x:Key. This key must represent the name of the enum-member in our case.
You can also define the ShapesTemplateSelector in App.DataTemplates or any other DataTemplates section.

Now we can add the content we like to our Window. In our case we just add a TextBlock and a ComboBox:

    <TextBlock Text="Select a Shape" />

    <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableShapes}"
              SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedShape}" />

Step 6: Run the App

Now you should be able to press Run or Debug in your IDE. You should see the following output:


You can also implement IDataTemplate if you want to create your own ViewLocator. If you use the Avalonia MVVM-Template a file called ViewLocator.cs is created for you. You can change or extend it to your needs. We will cover this topic in a different sample.